Sarah Geronimo - Unbroken Lyric

Sarah Geronimo - Unbroken Lyric

Sarah Geronimo - Unbroken Lyric - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Sarah Geronimo - Unbroken Lyric, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Unleash, uncover secrets locked inside
Blinded moving in circles
Lost in the crowd

inRead invented by Teads
Find me, break me
'Cause I am unbroken
And you are the only one
Who'll never dare bring me down
I am unbroken
And you're there to set me free
From now on just let it be

Sounding, I heard the beating
Oh, so clear
So close, true love is calling
Comfort me still
Find me, break me
'Cause I am unbroken
And you are the only one
Who'll never dare bring me down
I am unbroken
And you're there to set me free

From now on just let it be

Find me, break me
I am unbroken
And you are the only one
Who'll never dare bring me down
I am unbroken

You're there to set me free
From now on just let it be

I am unbroken
And you are the only one
Who'll never dare bring me down

I am unbroken
And you're there to set me free
From now on just let it be

I am unbroken (unbroken, unbroken)
And you are the only one
Who'll never dare bring me down (ohh)
I am unbroken (ahh)
And you're there to set me free
From now on just let it be
You are more than familiar
More like a dream

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