Lyrics: Sarah Geronimo - The Glow
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On December 7, 2014, Disney Channel Asia released the full music video of Sarah Geronimo's rendition of "The Glow".
The music video showed the Filipina pop star recording the theme song of the Disney Princess franchise, intercut with scenes from the popular animated films.
"The Glow" was originally performed by Shannon Saunders and revived with amazing voice by Sarah Geronimo.
Here is the lyrics of 'THE GLOW'
When you feel like you're ready to goSomewhere you've never been
Make a wish and the dream in you grows
Shining as bright as day
Carrying you far away
A story begins with the light in your heart
A fantasy, a dream, and a spark
Once you believe you are ready to shine
The princess inside you will show
You are the glow
You are the glow
Look around take in all that you see
You just might be surprised
A world of enchantment and pure majesty
You'll be discovering
The princess that you're meant to be
A story begins with the light in your heart
A fantasy, a dream, and a spark
Once you believe you are ready to shine
Bright as the world's ever known
You are the glow
Feel your strength (You can face the world)
Believe every day (Everything is possible)
A magical journey awaits
A story begins with the light in your heart
A fantasy, a dream, and a spark
Once you believe you are ready to shine
The princess inside you will show
You are the glow
You are the glow
You are the glow
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