Lyrics: Charice Pempenco - One Day
Lyrics: Charice Pempenco - One Day - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Lyrics: Charice Pempenco - One Day, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics.
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One Day by Charice Pempenco is wriiten by Nick Jonas, one of the member in Jonas Brothers band.
Lyrics of One Day by Charice Pempenco
(One day, one day, one day)They’re not gonna keep me down
They’re not gonna shut me out
They’re gonna do what they do, I do me
I’m moving against the crowd
I’m drowning out, way down
They’re gonna do what they do
I do something original
Be unforgettable
They’re gonna know my name
(One day)
I’ll make you a believer (one day)
I got this all I need is (one day)
Don’t try to tell me I can’t (right now)
I’m a light in the future (watch out)
Wont stop I’m a mover (one day)
You’re gonna know who I am
I will fly high and free
It’s my fate wait and see one day
I’ve been afraid before,
To reach for something more
But now I see that it’s mine, I’ll take it
Just go ahead and try,
You’re not gonna change my mind
There’s no such thing as too late
(One day)
I’ll make you a believer (one day)
I got this all I need is (one day)
Don’t try to tell me I can’t (right now)
I’m a light in the future (watch out)
Wont stop I’m a mover (one day)
You’re gonna know who I am
I will fly high and free
it’s my fate wait and see
I’m on a mission, no longer listening
To anyone that says don’t try
Sometimes you feel it, deep in your spirit
It’s like a fire that won’t die
(One day)
Wait and see
(One day, one day)
Just wait and see
(One day)
I’ll make you a believer (one day)
I got this all I need is (one day)
Don’t try to tell me I can’t (right now)
I’m a light in the future (watch out)
Wont stop I’m a mover (one day)
You’re gonna know who I am
I will fly high and free
It’s my fate wait and see one day
(One day, one day)
(One day, one day, one day)
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