Lyrics: Jamie Rivera- 'We are all God's Children' Lyrics

Lyrics: Jamie Rivera- 'We are all God's Children' Lyrics

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"We are all God's children" is the official theme song  for the 2015 Apostolic Visit of Pope Francis to the Philippines, which will be held on January 15-19, 2014.  The song is composed and sung by country's inspirational diva, Jamie Rivera together with the The Hail Mary the Queen Children's Choir.
Here is the lyrics:

Do you see this children of the  streets?
Have you walked the pavements where they sleep?
Do you feel their hands when you give them alms?
Did you ever give them bread to eat?

Have you seen their homes washed by the floods?
While a mother tightly holds her child
Do you hear the wind of the raging storm?
Can you tell them where it's coming from?

Let us show our love and mercy
With true kindness and humility
For God loves the weak and the needy
Just like you and me

We are all God's children
We are all the same
He is calling us by name to help the poor and lame
and learn what life is really for
it's to know and love and serve the Lord

Stand together and let's do our part
Hear their voices mend their broken hearts
Choose to be brave fight for their rights
Give them back their honor and their pride

Please do not be blind and just leave them behind
to struggle in darkness or give them empty promises

We are all God's children
We are all the same
He is calling us by name to help the poor and lame
and learn what life is really for
it's to know and love and serve the Lord

It's to know and love and serve the Lord
It's to know and love and serve the Lord..

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