Mr. Little Jeans-Oh Sailor

Mr. Little Jeans-Oh Sailor

Mr. Little Jeans-Oh Sailor - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Mr. Little Jeans-Oh Sailor, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Is there place for new-pop music in the international charts? Well, if you listen to Mr. Little Jeans, you will say YES! She is a norwegian living in London. She got her stage name from a tv show figure. Her real name is Monica Birkenes and her talent travelled already to Hollywood, since her song " Back to the Start" was the official soundtrack of Iron Man 3. She grew up, wearing her mother's outfits from another era and this is exactly how nostalgic her music is. Watch the music video and read the lyrics of her last releases track "Oh Sailor" here.
Enjoy :)

Mr. Little Jeans-Oh Sailor

Cold nights
Strange dreams
Memories stuck like glue

Her face
Her voice
Sail 'cross the seas with you

Can you hear all the angels

When you feel like you're out there on your own
Know there is someone watching over you
When out at sea feels nothing like a home
Oh sailor we will blow the wind like

And if you're tired of them
Telling you what to do
I hope you know that you can sail right on
I hope you know you've got the ocean blue

No sound
Worse than
Silence a curse that grows

Big words
Kept in
Whispers of dreams untold

Just don't fight all the angels

When you feel like you're out there on your own
Know there is someone watching over you
When out at sea feels nothing like a home
Oh sailor we will blow the wind like

And if you're tired of them
Telling you what to do
I hope you know that you can sail right on
I hope you know you've got the ocean blue

When you feel like you're out there on your own
Know there is someone watching over you
When out at sea feels nothing like a home
Oh sailor we will blow the wind like

And if you're tired of them
Telling you what to do
I hope you know that you can sail right on
I hope you know you've got the ocean blue

When you feel like you're out there on your own
Know there is someone watching over you
When out at sea feels nothing like a home
Oh sailor we will blow the wind like

And if you're tired of them
Breaking you into two
I hope you know that you can sail right on
I hope you know you've got the ocean blue

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