Communist Daughter-Keep Moving

Communist Daughter-Keep Moving

Communist Daughter-Keep Moving - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Communist Daughter-Keep Moving, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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I always like to post here new songs from new bands that I find and fall in love with... sometimes this is a bit risky because I cannot find the official lyrics of the tracks. This time I didn't give up and I asked from the band to send me the lyrics and guess what? They were more than happy to share them! I am talking for the Communist Daughter, an indie rock band from Saint Paul, Minnesota, founded by Johnny Solomon. Solomon has started years ago his musical carreer but the rising success masked his struggle with addiction and mental health problems, and quickly eclipsed his career, so he assumed his music days were over. But when he moved out of the city his demons followed him and he spent his nights writing and recording what he thought would be his eulogy, songs about lost love and lost chances. He recruited some friends to come out and put it all to tape. Calling his new band Communist Daughter, they released their debut album “Soundtrack to the End” in 2010. Then he checked in for another rehab and then all clean he came back with his band to stay. 2016 will see the release of their highly anticipated sophomore album “The Cracks That Built The Wall.’ In February, 2017 their new song Keep Moving comes out with a music video. Here it is with the lyrics! Please feel free to share the story and check for more details on their website http://communistdaughter.com/.

Thank you for the lyrics, Communist Daughter, you are awesome! 

Communist Daughter-Keep Moving

Keep your head down, keep moving 

Listen for a sound, but keep moving
If you go to ground, you gotta keep moving 
They’ll never pin you down, if you keep moving

I wont look above me till I fall, till I fall 

I wont let you love me till I fall, till I fall Till I fall

A war you never win, you just keep moving 

Now its sinking in, you gotta keep moving

I wont look above me till I fall, till I fall 

I wont let you love me till I fall, till I fall Till I fall

Keep your head down, 

Keep Moving

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