Min Chen 林明禎 - Modify Lyrics Update

Min Chen 林明禎 - Modify Lyrics Update

Min Chen 林明禎 - Modify Lyrics Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Min Chen 林明禎 - Modify Lyrics Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Lin Min Chen 林明禎 - Change Lyrics update

 Min Chen 林明禎 - Change Lyrics Update

Singer : Lin Min Chen 林明禎
Album : #Me
Title : Change
English linguistic communication Title : Change

Tiānkōng méiyǒu jíxiàn
tuō xià zìfù de jiǎn
zhāng kāi chénshuì de yǎn
赴星光的約 Yeah
fù xīngguāng de yuē Yeah

ài huì yǒnggǎn tuìbiàn
yóuyù jiāng tā sī liè
給我你專注的眼 Yeah
gěi wǒ nǐ zhuānzhù de yǎn Yeah

Oh my dear it's my fourth dimension I'll last changed
Oh my dear it's my fourth dimension I'll last changed
ài zhōngjiù chāoyuèle měi
Oh my dear it's my fourth dimension I'll last changed
Oh my dear it's my fourth dimension I'll last changed
ài zhōngjiù chāoyuèle měi

Hold on tight don't last afraid
I volition accept yous my way

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