Eric 周興哲 - Yi Hou Bie Zuo Pengyou 以後別做朋友 Lyrics Amongst English Translation

Eric 周興哲 - Yi Hou Bie Zuo Pengyou 以後別做朋友 Lyrics Amongst English Translation

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Eric 周興哲 - Yi Hou Bie Zuo Pengyou 以後別做朋友 (Let's Not Be Friends Anymore) Lyrics amongst English linguistic communication Translation too Pinyin

 Lyrics amongst English linguistic communication Translation too Pinyin  Eric 周興哲 - Yi Hou Bie Zuo Pengyou 以後別做朋友 Lyrics amongst English linguistic communication Translation
Singer : Eric 周興哲
Album :  學著愛 My Way to Love ( click to reckon total album lyrics )
Title :  以後別做朋友 Yi Hou Bie Zuo Pengyou
English linguistic communication Title : The Distance of Love / Let's Not Be Friends Anymore

Xíguàn tīng nǐ fēnxiǎng shēnghuó xìjié
(I) used to brain y'all portion the details of your life
hàipà pòhuài wánměi de pínghéng diǎn
(I) afraid that I volition intermission the perfect balance
bǎochízhe jùlí yī kē xīn de yáoyuǎn
Keeping a distance, a see distance
wǒ de jìmò nǐ jiù tīng bùjiàn
So y'all volition non able to necessitate heed my loneliness

wǒ zǒu huí cóngqián nǐ wǎng wèilái fēi
I dorsum to the past times piece y'all wing to the future
yùjiàn duì de rén cuòguò jiāochā diǎn
Met the correct somebody but missed the chance
míngmíng nǐ jiù yǐjīng zhàn zài wǒ miànqián
Clearly y'all are standing correct inwards front end of me
wǒ què bùduàn huīshǒu shuō zàijiàn
But I proceed maxim goodbye

以後別做朋友 朋友不能牽手
yǐhòu bié zuò péngyǒu péngyǒu bùnéng qiānshǒu
Let's non hold out friend anymore, because friend can't concur hands
想愛你的衝動 我只能笑著帶過
xiǎng ài nǐ de chōngdòng wǒ zhǐ néng xiàozhe dàiguò
The impulse to beloved you, I tin alone smiling too allow it go
最好的朋友 有些夢 不能說出口
zuì hǎo de péngyǒu yǒuxiē mèng bùnéng shuō chūkǒu
As a best friend, in that place are about wishing which can't hold out told
就不用承擔 會失去你的心痛
jiù bùyòng chéngdān huì shīqù nǐ de xīntòng
Then I don't bring to deport a heartache of losing you

huà yīgè ānquán de tiānkōng jièxiàn
Drawing a rubber boundary inwards the sky
shuí dōu bù zhǔn wèi wǒmen diào yǎnlèi
No 1 is allowed to shed tears for us
fàngqì hǎohǎo ài yīgèrén de jīhuì
Giving upward the adventure to actually beloved someone
yào kànzhe nǐ xìngfú dào yǒngyuǎn
(I) only desire to reckon y'all happy forever

以後別做朋友 朋友不能牽手
yǐhòu bié zuò péngyǒu péngyǒu bùnéng qiānshǒu
Let's non hold out friend anymore, because friend can't concur hands
想愛你的衝動 我只能笑著帶過
xiǎng ài nǐ de chōngdòng wǒ zhǐ néng xiàozhe dàiguò
The impulse to beloved you, I tin alone smiling too allow it go
最好的朋友 有些夢 不能說出口
zuì hǎo de péngyǒu yǒuxiē mèng bùnéng shuō chūkǒu
As a best friend, in that place are about wishing which can't hold out told
就不用承擔 會失去你的心痛
jiù bùyòng chéngdān huì shīqù nǐ de xīntòng
Then I don't bring to deport a heartache of losing you

忍住失控 太折磨 我自作自受
rěn zhù shīkòng tài zhémó wǒ zìzuòzìshòu
It’s then torturing to command myself equally I’m well-nigh to breakdown, this is my ain fault
回憶都是我 好不了的傷口
huíyì dōu shì wǒ hǎo bùliǎo de shāngkǒu
The past times is a injure that tin never hold out healed

以後還是朋友 還是你最懂我
yǐhòu háishì péngyǒu háishì nǐ zuì dǒng wǒ
We yet hold out friends, y'all are yet the somebody who most understands me
我們有始有終 就走到世界盡頭
wǒmen yǒushǐyǒuzhōng jiù zǒu dào shìjiè jìntóu
We volition bring a start too an end, until the basis ends
永遠的朋友 祝福我 遇見愛以後
yǒngyuǎn de péngyǒu zhùfú wǒ yùjiàn ài yǐhòu
As my friend forever, give me your blessing, later I run into beloved again
不會再懦弱 緊緊握住那雙手
bù huì zài nuòruò jǐn jǐn wò zhù nà shuāng shǒu
Wish me luck that I volition hold out brave too concur her forever

English linguistic communication Translation credit: 3_seconds_till_midnight @ genius

Eric 周興哲 - Yi Hou Bie Zuo Pengyou 以後別做朋友 (Let's Not Be Friends Anymore) Official Music Video:

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