Michael Wong 光良 - Ru Guo Ni Hai Ai Wo 如果你還愛我 Lyric Amongst English Translation

Michael Wong 光良 - Ru Guo Ni Hai Ai Wo 如果你還愛我 Lyric Amongst English Translation

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Michael Wong 光良 Guang Liang - Ru Guo Ni Hai Ai Wo 如果你還愛我 If You Still Love Me (2016 Live Version) Lyric amongst English linguistic communication Translation

t allow me wandering lonely inward the long black nighttime Michael Wong 光良  - Ru Guo Ni Hai Ai Wo 如果你還愛我 Lyric amongst English linguistic communication Translation

Singer : Michael Wong 光良 Guang Liang
Album :
Title : Ru Guo Ni Hai Ai Wo 如果你還愛我
English linguistic communication Title : If yous nonetheless dearest me

我帶著一顆疲憊的心走了 我知道自己在你心裡已不重要
Wǒ dàizhe yī kē píbèi de xīn zǒule wǒ zhīdào zìjǐ zài nǐ xīnlǐ yǐ bù chóng yào
With an exhausted heart, I left.  I know inward your pump I'm non of import anymore
雖然我們曾經相聚過 也許對於你來說
suīrán wǒmen céngjīng xiāngjùguò yěxǔ duìyú nǐ lái shuō
Although nosotros had been together, Maybe for you
yǐjīng méiyǒu shé me zhídé huíyì
There is aught worth to remember

我帶著一顆沉重的心走了 我知道自己沒有勇氣道別離
wǒ dàizhe yī kē chénzhòng de xīn zǒule wǒ zhīdào zìjǐ méiyǒu yǒngqì dào biélí
With heavy heart, I leave. I know I don't convey the courage to tell goodbye
雖然我們曾經擁有過 但是對於你來說
suīrán wǒmen céngjīng yǒngyǒuguò dànshì duìyú nǐ lái shuō
Although nosotros had dearest before, but for you
yǐjīng méiyǒu shé me zhídé huíyì
There is aught worth to remember

難道早已註定 不能真正擁有你
nándào zǎoyǐ zhùdìng bùnéng zhēnzhèng yǒngyǒu nǐ
It is my destiny. That I can't convey you
難道我真心付出一切 是為了承受孤單和寂寞
nándào wǒ zhēnxīn fùchū yīqiè shì wèile chéngshòu gūdān hé jìmò
I sincerely laissez passer on out everything I have. Just to acquit this loneliness?
我知道你不敢對我坦白 是不要看到我的傷懷
wǒ zhīdào nǐ bù gǎn duì wǒ tǎnbái shì bùyào kàn dào wǒ de shāng huái
I know you're non dare to tell me. Because don't desire run across me await sad.
雖然你沒有說要離開我 我已經感到你不再屬於我
suīrán nǐ méiyǒu shuō yào líkāi wǒ wǒ yǐjīng gǎndào nǐ bù zài shǔyú wǒ
Although yous don't said goodbye to me. I already experience that you're non mine

如果你還愛我 你不會對我如此的冷漠
rúguǒ nǐ hái ài wǒ nǐ bù huì duì wǒ rúcǐ de lěngmò
If yous nonetheless dearest me. You volition non last too then mutual frigidness to me
yòu zěn huì ràng wǒ zài mànmàn chángyè dúzì páihuái
You won't allow me wandering lonely inward the long black night
如果你還愛我 你不會對我如此的冷漠
rúguǒ nǐ hái ài wǒ nǐ bù huì duì wǒ rúcǐ de lěngmò
If yous nonetheless dearest me. You volition non last too then mutual frigidness to me
wǒ zhǐ néng hán zhuó yǎnlèi
I only tin crying
mòmò de líkāi
And secretly teach away

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