Luhan 鹿晗 - Chasing Dream Alongside A Pure Inwardness 追梦赤子心 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Luhan 鹿晗 - Chasing Dream Alongside A Pure Inwardness 追梦赤子心 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Luhan 鹿晗 - Chasing Dream Alongside A Pure Inwardness 追梦赤子心 Lyrics 歌詞 Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Luhan 鹿晗 - Chasing Dream Alongside A Pure Inwardness 追梦赤子心 Lyrics 歌詞 Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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LuHan 鹿晗 - Chasing Dream With Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Pure Heart 追梦赤子心 Lyrics 歌詞 update [Sky Hunter Ending Song / 空天獵 片尾曲]

 LuHan 鹿晗 - Chasing Dream With Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Pure Heart 追梦赤子心 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Singer : LuHan 鹿晗
Album :  Sky Hunter Ending Song / 空天獵 片尾曲
Title : 追梦赤子心 ( Zhui Meng Chi Zi Xin )
English linguistic communication Title : Chasing Dream With Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Pure Heart

Chōngmǎn xiānhuā de shìjiè dàodǐ zài nǎlǐ
rúguǒ tā zhēn de cúnzài nàme wǒ yīdìng huì qù
wǒ xiǎng zài nàlǐ zuìgāo de shānfēng chùlì
bùzàihū tā shì bùshì xuányá qiàobì

yònglì huózhe yònglì ài nǎpà gānnǎotúdì
bù qiú rènhé rén mǎnyì zhǐyào duìdéqǐ zìjǐ
guānyú lǐxiǎng wǒ cónglái lái méi xuǎnzé fàngqì
jíshǐ zài huītóutǔliǎn de rìzi lǐ

yěxǔ wǒ méiyǒu tiān fèn
dàn wǒ yǒu mèng de tiānzhēn
wǒ jiāng huì qù zhèngmíng yòng wǒ de yīshēng
yěxǔ wǒ shǒu bǐ jiǎo bèn
dàn wǒ yuàn bù tíng tànxún
fùchū suǒyǒu de qīngchūn bù liú yíhàn

向前跑 迎著冷眼和嘲笑
xiàng qián pǎo yíngzhe lěngyǎn hé cháoxiào
shēngmìng de guǎngkuò bù lìjīng mónàn zěn néng gǎndào
mìngyùn tā wúfǎ ràng wǒmen guì dì qiúráo
jiùsuàn xiānxiě sǎ mǎnle huáibào

繼續跑 带著赤子的驕傲
jìxù pǎo dàizhe chìzǐ de jiāo'ào
shēngmìng de shǎnyào bù jiānchí dàodǐ zěn néng kàn dào
yǔqí gǒuyáncánchuǎn bùrú zòngqíng ránshāo ba
Wèile xīnzhōng dì měihǎo
Bù tuǒxié zhídào biàn lǎo

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