Ben Howard-End Of The Affair

Ben Howard-End Of The Affair

Ben Howard-End Of The Affair - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Ben Howard-End Of The Affair , This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Oh my God! So long without posting. So long without saying anything about the incredible moment I had, watching this man, performing live right in front of me in Brussels. Ben Howard, has been one of the people that stood next to me when I needed someone. And he did that with his music. A few minutes ago, he published his brand new and fresh tune "End Of The Affair". One of the most promising version of it and the proof that this next album is going to be better and deeper. Be the first to check out the premiere here and remember to like our page on Facebook.

Ben Howard-End Of The Affair

The end of the affair
The weight of the world
The kindness gone to bed
It's free of your laughter
Alive in the halls
Did he hear, did he hear
The fumbled words you said

Living without her
Living at all
Seems to slow me down
Living forever
Hell, I don't know
Do I care, do I care
The thunder's rumbled sound

Now I watch her
Running 'round in love again
Now I talk about you
When I'm with our mutual friends

The end of the affair
The weight of the world
The kindness gone to bed
It's free of your laughter
Alive after all
Do I care to hear
The fumbled words he said

Living without her
Living at all
Seems to slow me down
Living forever
Hell, I don't know
Do I care, do I care
The thunder's rumbled sound

Now I watch her
Running 'round in love again
Now I talk about you
When I'm with our mutual friends

Now I watch her
Running 'round in love again
Now I talk about you
When I'm with our mutual friends

This is it
This is just it
Go to him
What the hell, love?
What the hell?

This is it
This is just it
Go to him
What the hell, love?
What the hell?

This is it
This is just it
Go to him
What the hell, love?
What the hell?

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