Michael Wong 光良 - Run Into You Lot 1 Time Again 阿比安吉 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Michael Wong 光良 - Run Into You Lot 1 Time Again 阿比安吉 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Michael Wong 光良 - Run Into You Lot 1 Time Again 阿比安吉 Lyrics 歌詞 Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Michael Wong 光良 - Run Into You Lot 1 Time Again 阿比安吉 Lyrics 歌詞 Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Michael Wong 光良 - See You Again 阿比安吉 (A Bi An Ji) Lyrics 歌詞 update

Singer: Michael Wong 光良
Album: See You Again 阿比安吉
Title: 阿比安吉 (A Bi An Ji)
English linguistic communication Title: See You Again

陽光灑在 臉上的輪廓
Yángguāng sǎ zài liǎn shàng de lúnkuò
舊書桌 照片泛黃斑駁
jiùshū zhuō zhàopiàn fàn huáng bānbó
昔日朋友 漸行漸遠 難重逢
xīrì péngyǒu jiàn xíng jiàn yuǎn nán chóngféng
閉上眼 心跳還為誰悸動
bì shàng yǎn xīntiào hái wèi shuí jì dòng

曾經 分隔在 世界 各角落
céngjīng fēngé zài shìjiè gè jiǎoluò
kuàyuè kùnnán chóngchóng
只為 一起跑遍沙漠綠洲
zhǐ wéi yīqǐ pǎo biàn shāmò lǜzhōu

沒有互道別 不見影蹤
méiyǒu hù dào bié bùjiàn yǐng zōng
少年獨自 追夢
shàonián dúzì zhuī mèng
還記得嗎 阿比安吉
hái jìdé ma ā bǐ ānjí
shì dāngchū de wènhòu

chūn xià qiūdōng
我還在 這裡 默默等候
wǒ hái zài zhèlǐ mòmò děnghòu
別讓 現實枷鎖 忘記感動
bié ràng xiànshí jiāsuǒ wàngjì gǎndòng
不怕 海市蜃樓 化為泡沫
bùpà hǎishìshènlóu huà wéi pàomò
勇者不眠不休直到 最後
yǒngzhě bùmián bùxiū zhídào zuìhòu

還記得嗎 相遇的街道 未 曾改變
hái jìdé ma xiāngyù de jiēdào wèicéng gǎibiàn
是否 還有機會回到從前
shìfǒu hái yǒu jīhuì huí dào cóngqián
故事的終點 等你來實現 (一起來實現)
gùshì de zhōngdiǎn děng nǐ lái shíxiàn (yīqǐlái shíxiàn)
承 諾一起冒險重游
chéngnuò yī qǐ màoxiǎn chóng yóu

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