Guang Liang - Increment Rings Lyric ( Chinese Update )

Guang Liang - Increment Rings Lyric ( Chinese Update )

Guang Liang - Increment Rings Lyric ( Chinese Update ) - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Guang Liang - Increment Rings Lyric ( Chinese Update ), This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Guang Liang ( 光亮 ) - Growth Rings ( 年轮 ) lyric ( Chinese update )

 Guang Liang - Growth Rings Lyric ( Chinese Update )

Singer: Michael Wong/Guang Liang ( 光亮 )
Title: 年轮 / Growth Rings
Album: 回忆里的疯狂 / Crazy Memories
Genre: Pop
Language: Mandarin

我种下 一棵关于爱的树苗
wǒ zhǒng xià yī kē guānyú ài de shùmiáo
每一天 阳光都会与我说话
měi yītiān yángguāng dūhuì yǔ wǒ shuōhuà
呵护着 脆弱的成长时刻
hēhùzhe cuìruò de chéng cháng shíkè
等待着 成为坚强的大树
děngdàizhuó chéngwéi jiānqiáng de dàshù

zài xiāngyù de yèwǎn wǒ lái dào
nǐ chuáng qián guà shàng yīdào cǎihóng
dāng nǐ míshī fāngxiàng de shíhòu
wǒ de xīn huì shì zuì wēnnuǎn de jiā

[ * ]

yì quān yòu yī quān
quān qǐ nǐ zài wǒ de xīn lǐmiàn
数数看 年轮
shù shù kàn niánlún
jiùshì wǒ ài nǐ de hénjī

[ * * ]

yīpiàn yòu yīpiàn de shùyè jiù xiàng shì
我的 思念
wǒ de sīniàn
suí jìjié fàn huáng biàn huíyì

我种下 一棵关于爱的树苗
wǒ zhǒng xià yī kē guānyú ài de shùmiáo
每一天 阳光都会与我说话
měi yītiān yángguāng dūhuì yǔ wǒ shuōhuà
呵护着 脆弱的成长时刻
hēhùzhe cuìruò de chéng cháng shíkè
等待着 成为坚强的大树
děngdàizhuó chéngwéi jiānqiáng de dàshù

zài xiāngyù de yèwǎn wǒ lái dào
nǐ chuáng qián guà shàng yīdào cǎihóng
dāng nǐ míshī fāngxiàng de shíhòu
wǒ de xīn huì shì zuì wēnnuǎn de jiā

Repeat [ * ] too [ * * ] 2x.

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