C.T.O - Insomnia Lyrics 歌詞 Update

C.T.O - Insomnia Lyrics 歌詞 Update

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C.T.O - Insomnia Lyrics 歌詞 update

 C.T.O - Insomnia Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Singer: C.T.O
Album: Insomnia
Title: Insomnia
English linguistic communication Title: Insomnia

Lyrics / 歌詞 / Pinyin:

Hey girl
I don’t know what is this all about
It’s been like
Shortie yous know what it is similar uh
Listen upward ya’ll

Baby daughter 不會再為你醉了 整夜
Baby daughter bù huì zài wèi nǐ zuìle zhěng yè
也不會在 餐桌前發呆 食不下嚥
yě bù huì zài cānzhuō qián fādāi shí bùxià yàn
Don’t telephone telephone me daughter this is non over
每晚翻頁作廢 yous know
měi wǎn fān yè zuòfèi yous know
I don’t involve this mess

Lord's Day falls 又迎接新的一頁
Lord's Day falls yòu yíngjiē xīn de yīyè
我的失眠日記 似乎 還不能ended
wǒ de shīmián rìjì sìhū hái bùnéng ended

有太多話 擱淺在喉嚨 說不出口
yǒu tài duō huà gēqiǎn zài hóulóng shuō bu chūkǒu
只能享受著 悲傷的piano
zhǐ néng xiǎngshòuzhe bēishāng de piano

Don’t nation me nation me
Everything’s gonna endure alright

shāfā shàng hái cánliú nǐ de xiāngshuǐ
無法麻醉 心痛的感覺
wúfǎ mázuì xīntòng de gǎnjué
我看著 枯萎的玫 瑰
wǒ kànzhe kūwěi de méiguī
一片一瓣的被 摧毀 oh
yīpiàn yī bàn de bèi cuīhuǐ oh

Insomnia oh oh oh oh
gāngqín shēng huídàng zài wǒ ěr biān
鮮豔的蝴蝶結纏繞我 無法入睡
xiānyàn de húdiéjié chánrào wǒ wúfǎ rùshuì
Yeah uh uh I simply can’t breathe anymore

Insomnia oh oh oh oh
從前的幸福畫面 已經斷片
cóngqián de xìngfú huàmiàn yǐjīng duànpiàn
No no no in addition to no
I simply can’t autumn asleep without you

Tonight tonight
qiáng shàng de guàzhōng hái tíngliú zài
nǐ yào líkāi dì nà yī wǎn
bùguǎn wǒ rúhé dàoqiàn
也如何流淚 你讓我
yě rúhé liúlèi nǐ ràng wǒ

How I supposed to forget you
Like this

sīxù dōu bèi nǐ zhǎngkòng
qíngxù yě bèi nǐ lèsuǒ
rì fù yī yè wú zhǐ wújìn de gānyuàn zuò gè wán'ǒu

Oh babe 高抬貴手 赦免我
Oh babe gāotáiguìshǒu shèmiǎn wǒ
xīnzhōng dǐkàng bù zhù chōngdòng

Can’t believe 酒精充斥著我
Can’t believe jiǔjīng chōngchìzhe wǒ
mùjí kuài bèi wúnài pá mǎn de zhěntou

Gimme your love
Gimme your honey oh babe
Gimme your love

用盡力氣 吶喊 Every night
yòng jìn lìqì nàhǎn Every night
卻響起 無聲的呼吸
què xiǎngqǐ wúshēng de hūxī
Or someday you’ll endure mine oh mine
Bring it dorsum to me

Insomnia oh oh oh oh
gāngqín shēng huídàng zài wǒ ěr biān
鮮豔的蝴蝶結 纏繞我 無法入睡
xiānyàn de húdiéjié chánrào wǒ wúfǎ rùshuì
I simply can’t breathe anymore

Insomnia oh oh oh oh

cóngqián de xìngfú huàmiàn yǐjīng duànpiàn
No no no in addition to no
I simply can’t autumn asleep without you

yuèliàng qǐn tīngzhe wǒ sīniàn nǐ de shēngyīn
xīngxīng zài tiānkōng páiliè chū nǐ de shēnyǐng
你的溫柔輕躺在我靈魂的 房間
nǐ de wēnróu qīng tǎng zài wǒ línghún de fángjiān
一瞬間 點亮了黑夜 在黑夜
yī shùnjiān diǎn liàngle hēiyè zài hēiyè

Oh lately
Hoping I could dream nearly you
Tell me yous were mine oh mine oh

Insomnia oh oh oh oh
gāngqín shēng huídàng zài wǒ ěr biān
鮮豔的蝴蝶結纏繞我 無法入睡
xiānyàn de húdiéjié chánrào wǒ wúfǎ rùshuì
I simply can’t breathe anymore

Insomnia oh oh oh oh
cóngqián de xìngfú huàmiàn yǐjīng duànpiàn
No no no in addition to no
I simply can’t autumn asleep without you

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