William Wei 韋禮安 - Luvin' U Lyrics 歌詞 Amongst English Translation

William Wei 韋禮安 - Luvin' U Lyrics 歌詞 Amongst English Translation

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William Wei 韋禮安 ( Weibird Wei ) - Luvin' U Lyrics 歌詞 alongside English linguistic communication Translation Pinyin

Singer : William Wei 韋禮安
Album : 硬戳 (It All Started From An Intro)
Title : Luvin'u
English linguistic communication Title : Luvin'u

如果全人類 都有讀心術
Rúguǒ quán rénlèi dōu yǒu dú xīnshù
If everyone able to produce heed reading
或許有一點殘酷 但也省去些痛苦
huòxǔ yǒu yīdiǎn cánkù dàn yě shěng qù xiē tòngkǔ
It may endure a lilliputian brutal, but it also saves some pain

我口是心非 是不得不
wǒ kǒushìxīnfēi shì bùdé bù
I am a double-faced*, (I) convey no choice
這樣流連在你身邊 才不會顯得太突兀
zhèyàng liúlián zài nǐ shēnbiān cái bù huì xiǎndé tài túwù
It doesn't look also precipitous to linger roughly you.

忽左忽右 忽高忽低 面不改色 裝酷
hū zuǒ hū yòu hū gāo hū dī miàn bù gǎisè zhuāng kù
Suddenly left all of a abrupt right, all of a abrupt high all of a abrupt low, proceed a direct face, cool
維持形象 一見到你 就心跳加速 快撐不住
wéichí xíngxiàng yījiàn dào nǐ jiù xīntiào jiāsù kuài chēng bù zhù
Stay cool, (but) when meet you lot my pump beats faster

在我離開你的時候 你在乎不在乎
zài wǒ líkāi nǐ de shíhòu nǐ zàihū bùzàihū
When I left you, produce you lot care?
motility I'm Luvin' U Luvin' U
cause I'm Luvin' U Luvin' U
in addition to I don’t wanna lose (you)
and I don’t wanna lose (you)
在選擇愛情的面前 我每一次都輸
zài xuǎnzé àiqíng de miànqián wǒ měi yīcì dōu shū
I lose every times the choice of dearest inwards forepart of me
but I'm Luvin' U Luvin' U
but I'm Luvin' U Luvin' U
in addition to I don’t know what to do
and I don’t know what to do

如果覺得我 膽小如鼠
rúguǒ juédé wǒ dǎn xiǎo rú shǔ
If you lot experience I'm a chicken-hearted
pose yourself into my shoes
put yourself into my shoes
isn't she a lovely sentiment (bet you lot do)
isn't she a lovely sentiment (bet you lot do)

不是選擇沉默 就是懦夫
bùshì xuǎnzé chénmò jiùshì nuòfū
If don't lead silence, it must endure coward
在身邊默默守候的人 才是最 義無反顧
zài shēnbiān mòmò shǒuhòu de rén cái shì zuì yìwúfǎngù
In the side silently waiting for the somebody is the almost unreasonable

我只想說 簡單一句 produce u luv me also produce u luv me too
wǒ zhǐ xiǎng shuō jiǎndān yījù produce u luv me also produce u luv me also
I merely wanna nation something simple, produce u luv me also produce u luv me too

*affirm alongside one's lips but deny inwards one's heart,say aye in addition to hateful no

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