Eric 周興哲 - Unbreakable Honey 愛在身邊 Lyrics Amongst English Translation

Eric 周興哲 - Unbreakable Honey 愛在身邊 Lyrics Amongst English Translation

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Eric 周興哲 - Unbreakable Love 愛在身邊 Ai Zai Shen Bian Lyrics amongst English linguistic communication Translation

 Ai Zai Shen Bian Lyrics amongst English linguistic communication Translation Eric 周興哲 - Unbreakable Love 愛在身邊 Lyrics amongst English linguistic communication Translation

Singer : Eric 周興哲
Album :  Ai Zai Shen Bian 愛在身邊
Title : Ai Zai Shen Bian 愛在身邊
English linguistic communication Title : Unbreakable Love

偷聽 你心中的花落
Tōu tīng nǐ xīnzhōng de huā luò
Eavesdropping on your flowers heart
你說 要永遠抱著我
nǐ shuō yào yǒngyuǎn bàozhe wǒ
You said that yous desire to concur me forever
wǒmen bùbì zài qù zhēngtuō
We no request to suspension free
不必再去藏躲 分離的傷口
bùbì zài qù cángduǒ fēnlí de shāngkǒu
There's no request to hiding the split wounds

而我 自己要去承受
ér wǒ zìjǐ yào qù chéngshòu
And I, going to bear
愛情 孤單裡的刺痛
àiqíng gūdān li de cì tòng
Love, the sting of lonely
gūdān dàodǐ suàn shénme
What the ending of loneliness
wèihé lián nǐ dōu yào lái zhǎo wǒ
Why fifty-fifty yous accept to come upward to me

請原諒我 沒說聲再見
qǐng yuánliàng wǒ méi shuō shēng zàijiàn
Please forgive me for non proverb goodbye
請原諒我 想你在身邊
qǐng yuánliàng wǒ xiǎng nǐ zài shēnbiān
Please forgive me for desire yous to hold out my side
你的愛戀 在我每一天
nǐ de àiliàn zài wǒ měi yītiān
Your dear ever acquaint on my everyday
你永遠是我身邊最美的一切 眷戀你的美
nǐ yǒngyuǎn shì wǒ shēnbiān zuìměi de yīqiè juànliàn nǐ dì měi
You volition ever hold out the or too then beautiful ( someone ) on my side forever, dear your beauty

而我 好怕你離別
ér wǒ hǎo pà nǐ líbié
And I, actually afraid yous leaving me
而我 愛你在聲邊
ér wǒ ài nǐ zài shēng biān
And I, dear yous from your sound
hǎo xiǎng yǒngyuǎn yǒngbàozhe
Really desire to ever concur you
dāngchū wǒmen yǒnggǎn qù ài dì nà yīkè
When nosotros brave to dear the moment

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