Khalil Fong 方大同 - Honey Bounding Main 頌海 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Khalil Fong 方大同 - Honey Bounding Main 頌海 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Khalil Fong 方大同 - Honey Bounding Main 頌海 Lyrics 歌詞 Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Khalil Fong 方大同 - Honey Bounding Main 頌海 Lyrics 歌詞 Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Khalil Fong 方大同 10 Diana Wang  王詩安 - Dear Ocean 頌海 (Song Hai) Lyrics 歌詞 update | 方大同頌海歌詞

 Khalil Fong 方大同 - Dear Ocean 頌海 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Singer: Khalil Fong 方大同, Diana Wang 王詩安
Album: Dear Ocean 頌海
Title: 頌海 (Song Hai)
English linguistic communication Title: Dear Ocean

Chénjìng yǔ nà zuì wéiměi de shēn chù
shēnshǒu chùmō nán lǐjiě de wēndù
收藏著回憶 由萬年的旅程記載
shōucángzhe huíyì yóu wànnián de lǚchéng jìzǎi
千里外 送回愛 另一個世界
qiānlǐ wài sòng huí ài lìng yīgè shìjiè

La la la...
Shēn cáng zài nǎi huái lǐ shì yīzhǒng guānhuái
La la la...
Piāofú zài nǎi de yǔzhòu wǒ zháomíle

Oh真實的 妳最知情
Oh zhēnshí de nǎi zuì zhīqíng
zìrán guīlǜ zhuī huí zìjǐ
是妳 妳 ah
shì nǎi nǎi ah
混濁時代 妳依然
húnzhuó shídài nǎi yīrán
守候著無底的淤泥 永不離
shǒuhòuzhe wú dǐ de yūní yǒng bùlí

Ooh 完美期待
Ooh wánměi qídài
卻只見到 物質未來
què zhǐjiàn dào wùzhí wèilái
我們總覺得 是非都明白
wǒmen zǒng juédé shìfēi dōu míngbái
Done it all, know it all

想要回到 原來的簡單
xiǎng yào huí dào yuánlái de jiǎndān
為存在 為生態
wèi cúnzài wéi shēngtài
zàishēng yuán
shuǐ zhī liàn
緬懷 那曾經
miǎnhuái nà céngjīng

La la la...
Shēn cáng zài nǎi huái lǐ shì yīzhǒng guānhuái
La la la...
Piāofú zài nǎi de yǔzhòu wǒ zháomíle

lùguò shíguāng de shāqiū
tíngliú yǔ bèi yíwàng de nìliú
guīlái de shìyán
這 年代 意外
zhè niándài yìwài妳的痕跡都在
nǎi de hénjī dōu zài

日夜引隨 潮起落如生命 無止境輪迴
rìyè yǐn suí cháo qǐluò rú shēngmìng wú zhǐjìng lúnhuí
qīngyún fēng biàn yàn er fēi
等誰​​ 返回那默默守候亙古無邊際的妳
děng shuí​​ fǎnhuí nà mòmò shǒuhòu gèngǔ wúbiān jì de nǎi
jiāng yī yán jiāndìng dào yǒngyuǎn

La la la...
Shēn cáng zài nǎi huái lǐ shì yīzhǒng guānhuái
La la la...
Piāofú zài nǎi de yǔzhòu wǒ zháomíle

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