Eric 周興哲 - This Is Beloved Lyrics 歌詞 Amongst English Translation

Eric 周興哲 - This Is Beloved Lyrics 歌詞 Amongst English Translation

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Eric 周興哲 - This Is Love Lyrics 歌詞 amongst English linguistic communication Translation in addition to Pinyin

 Click to come across amount other lyrics on this album  Eric 周興哲 - This Is Love Lyrics 歌詞 amongst English linguistic communication Translation

Singer : Eric 周興哲
Album :  愛,教會我們的事 (What Love Has Taught Us) ( Click to come across amount other lyrics on this album )
Title :  This is love
English linguistic communication Title : This is love

你手靠近了 卻又放下
Nǐ shǒu kào jìn liǎo què yòu fàngxià
Your manus came unopen but you lot permit it downwardly again
牽著我吧 我 堅定的回答
qiānzhe wǒ ba wǒ jiāndìng de huídá
Just concur me, I firmly reply to you
有勇氣 就可以
yǒu yǒngqì jiù kěyǐ
If you lot convey courage, you lot tin utilise it
有憧憬 就嚮往
yǒu chōngjǐng jiù xiàngwǎng
If you lot convey a hope, only larn forward
別讓溫柔 輸給害怕
bié ràng wēnróu shū gěi hàipà
Don't permit the tenderness lose to the fear

只要是真心 什麼對象
zhǐyào shi zhēnxīn shénme duìxiàng
As long every bit at that topographic point is a sincerity inwards what you lot do
都該相信 愛 本質是一樣
dōu gāi xiāngxìn ài běnzhí shì yīyàng
You convey to believe that love's nature is the same
想親吻 想擁抱 會甜蜜 會受傷
xiǎng qīnwěn xiǎng yǒngbào huì tiánmì huì shòushāng
Want to kiss, desire to hug, tin live on sweetness tin live on hurt
還有什麼 需要抵抗
hái yǒu shé me xūyào dǐkàng
What else needs to live on resisted?

Cos this is dear woo...
This is dear woo...
This is dear woo...
This is dear woo...

是有些困難 背棄眼光
Shì yǒuxiē kùnnán bèiqì yǎnguāng
There are to a greater extent than or less difficulties that drive to lose your vision
可是何必 要 所有人欣賞
kěshì hébì yào suǒyǒu rén xīnshǎng
However, there's no argue to permit people relish this
不管誰 的解答 只管心 有對方
bùguǎn shuí de jiědá zhǐguǎn xīn yǒu duìfāng
No matters the response, only attention virtually the other side
幸福的路 就能到達
xìngfú de lù jiù néng dàodá
and you'll flora the route of happiness

偶爾也慶幸 世界很大
ǒu'ěr yě qìngxìng shìjiè hěn dà
Sometimes is rejoicing that this footing is in addition to then big
總有一種 愛 讓我們一樣
zǒng yǒu yīzhǒng ài ràng wǒmen yīyàng
There's ever a dear that makes us the same
被成全 被祝福 用承諾 用感動
bèi chéngquán bèi zhùfú yòng chéngnuò yòng gǎndòng
Being praised, beingness blessed, role commitment, role inspiration
gěi bǐcǐ lìliàng
Give each others strenght

Cos this is dear woo...
This is dear woo...
This is dear woo...
This is dear woo...

再多一點勇敢 把傷害都忘掉
Zài duō yīdiǎn yǒnggǎn bǎ shānghài dōu wàngdiào
Just a piddling fleck to a greater extent than bravely to forgot the pump break
總有一天 能為我們的愛驕傲
zǒng yǒu yītiān néng wéi wǒmen de ài jiāo'ào
Someday we'll live on proud of our love

Cos this is dear woo...
This is dear woo...
This is dear woo...
Cos this is love
Cos this is love

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