Bii 畢書盡 - If You Lot Grab Me When 1 Autumn Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Bii 畢書盡 - If You Lot Grab Me When 1 Autumn Lyrics 歌詞 Update

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Bii 畢書盡 - If You Catch Me When I Fall Lyrics 歌詞 update | Bii 畢書盡 - If You Catch Me When I Fall 歌詞

 Bii 畢書盡 - If You Catch Me When I Fall Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Singer: Bii 畢書盡
Album: Be Better
Title: If You Catch Me When I Fall
English linguistic communication Title: If You Catch Me When I Fall

Mèngxiǎng gài mótiān dàlóu
xiàngshàng zhuīxún zìyóu
才發現被關在天空 Alone
cái fāxiàn bèi guān zài tiānkōng Alone

chūréntóudì suàn shénme
méiyǒu shídì de láolóng
懷念我的螞蟻窩 生活
huáiniàn wǒ de mǎyǐ wō shēnghuó

想擁抱 卻是一無所有
xiǎng yǒngbào què shì yīwúsuǒyǒu
想得到 卻是一場空
xiǎngdédào què shì yīchǎngkōng
想禱告 卻是開不了口 No
xiǎng dǎogào què shì kāi bùliǎo kǒu No

想求救 卻是沒人理我
xiǎng qiújiù què shì méi rén lǐ wǒ
想飛走 卻只有雙手
xiǎng fēi zǒu què zhǐyǒu shuāng shǒu
Fall 加速墜落
Fall jiāsù zhuìluò

If yous grab me when I fall, when I fall.
If yous salve me when I fall, when I fall.

Just accept my manus to the star.
Just accept my hand, lady.
Just accept my hand, my hand.
Fall into love. Fall into love. Oh

gāngjīn fēng huàchéng shālòu
shíguāng fēi suō chéng pàomò
頑固的我沒試過 放手
wángù de wǒ méi shìguò fàngshǒu

lǐxiǎng bàofù suàn shénme
xiè xià bāofú cái shì wǒ
平凡總在現實中 缺貨
píngfán zǒng zài xiànshí zhōng quē huò

想擁抱 卻是一無所有
xiǎng yǒngbào què shì yīwúsuǒyǒu
想得到 卻是一場空
xiǎngdédào què shì yīchǎngkōng
想禱告 卻是開不了口 No
xiǎng dǎogào què shì kāi bùliǎo kǒu No

想求救 卻是沒人理我
xiǎng qiújiù què shì méi rén lǐ wǒ
想飛走 卻只有雙手
xiǎng fēi zǒu què zhǐyǒu shuāng shǒu
Fall 加速墜落
Fall jiāsù zhuìluò

If yous grab me when I fall, when I fall.
If yous salve me when I fall, when I fall.

Just accept my manus to the star.
Just accept my hand, lady.
Just accept my hand, my hand.
Fall into love. Fall into love. Oh

If yous grab me when I fall, I fall.
If yous salve me when I fall, I fall.

Take my manus to the star.
Just accept my hand, lady.
Just accept my hand, my hand.
Fall into love. Fall into love. Oh

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