Enrique Gil - Mobe

Enrique Gil - Mobe

Enrique Gil - Mobe - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Enrique Gil - Mobe, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Dos caliente (3x)
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro

Mobe mobe el cadera (2x)
Move your hips, move
Move your hips
Move your hips, move
Move your hips

Manda ya mira
Pakilaya el cuerpo, mobe
Dale ya mira
Pakilaya tu baila, suave

Ansina yo quiere mi favorito
Ta mobe gat el todo cuerpo
Ansina bailando na entero mundo
Bien bale gat mira, bien redondo
Tiene diutay y tambien grande
Masquin donde otro-otro
Clase llega el de noche, anda kita qui
Anda kita ‘lya, anda kita ‘lyi

Mobe mobe el cadera (2x)
Move your hips, move
Move your hips
Move your hips, move
Move your hips

Manda ya mira
Pakilaya el cuerpo, mobe
Dale ya mira
Pakilaya tu baila, suave

Mira yo pakilaya ta ase
Maga mobida kiere yo sabe
Mujer, insiya comigo no sabe
Yo ansina cosa se bailando
Unrato lang ba yo sabe
Pakilaya ba gat se ta mobe ahh…
Ansina lang gale sige pa
Uno pa ase ta bien bale
Escerda, derecha hunto ansina
Yo kiere bien sabroso

Mobe mobe el cadera (2x)
Move your hips, move
Move your hips
Move your hips, move
Move your hips

Manda ya mira
Pakilaya el cuerpo, mobe
Dale ya mira
Pakilaya tu baila, suave

Mobe mobe el cadera (2x)
Move your hips, move
Move your hips
Mobe mobe el cadera

Espera kiere yo mira el baylada
Si pakimodo ta mobe el cadera
Kay kiere yo sabe, kiere yo aprende
Kiere yo bayla maskin manada hente
Pesao o liviano, diutay alto
No hay yo keber basta blando cuerpo
Bene ‘qui comigo, ensenya unrato
Mobe el cadera man sakyut un poko

Mobe mobe el cadera (2x)
Move your hips, move
Move your hips
Move your hips, move
Move your hips

Manda ya mira
Pakilaya el cuerpo, mobe
Dale ya mira
Pakilaya tu baila, suave

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