Label: indie rock
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Dotan Harpenau, better known by his stage name Dotan , is a Dutch singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer. Dotan was bo...

Dotan - Home Lyric

Only 5 days ago, this diamond was uploaded on YouTube, just to prove us that real legends never die. This new masterpiece was recorded by Je...

Jeff Buckley-I Know It's Over

Oh, I didn't see that coming... Daughter have just announced the release date of their second album "Not To Disappear" (Jan 1...

Daughter-Doing The Right Thing (update: w/ lyrics)

Villagers are from Dublin. They are an indie folk band only formed back in 2008. The founder and lead singer is Conor O'Brien. He could...

Villagers-Everything I Am Is Yours

You probably know him already from the posts about his band Junip, but we are extremely excited about this brand new album of Jose Gonzalez ...

José González - Open Book

LOMW, 16/10/13, Hannah from Snow Ghosts replies to my Facebook message! “I’d love to have a long distance Q&A for LOMW, but maybe you sh...

Interview: Snow Ghosts