Z-Chen 張智成 - Wo Ai De Ren Bu Ai Wo 我愛的人不愛我 Lyrics Amongst English Translation

Z-Chen 張智成 - Wo Ai De Ren Bu Ai Wo 我愛的人不愛我 Lyrics Amongst English Translation

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Z-Chen 張智成 - Wo Ai De Ren Bu Ai Wo 我愛的人不愛我 Lyrics amongst English linguistic communication Translation

Memories ever remembered never destination flowing Z-Chen 張智成 - Wo Ai De Ren Bu Ai Wo 我愛的人不愛我 Lyrics amongst English linguistic communication Translation

Singer : Z-Chen 張智成
Album : Yu Qing 瘀青
Title : Wo Ai De Ren Bu Ai Wo 我愛的人不愛我
English linguistic communication Title : People that I loved, non beloved me

Ānjìng de wō zài chuáng bèi lǐ
Quietly lying inward bed
回憶不停在腦海中 川流不息
huíyì bù tíng zài nǎohǎi zhōng chuānliúbùxī
Memories ever remembered never destination flowing
fǎngfú tīngjiànle shénme shēngyīn
As if hearing the audio of something
kěxí nǐ yǐ bùzài zhèlǐ péi wǒ tánqín
Unfortunately, y'all are non hither amongst me playing the piano

àiqíng yǒu tài duō tài duō dìngyì
Love has likewise much definition
wǒmen yǒu tài duō tài duō xiāngxìn
We convey likewise much believing
只是永恆這條路 太多陷阱
zhǐshì yǒnghéng zhè tiáo lù tài duō xiànjǐng
There are likewise many pitfalls inward this way
就算我還一樣 你也不再一樣
jiùsuàn wǒ huán yīyàng nǐ yě bù zài yīyàng
Even if I all the same the same, y'all are no longer the same

wǒ ài de rén bù ài wǒ
People that I loved non beloved me
不是誰的錯 才叫人難過
bùshì shuí de cuò cái jiào rén nánguò
The saddest matter is, No i tin survive blamed
要多久生活才能夠 重新來過
yào duōjiǔ shēnghuó cái nénggòu chóngxīn láiguò
How many life over again to outset over
所以那些不再聯絡 是不想傷害我?
suǒyǐ nàxiē bù zài liánluò shì bùxiǎng shānghài wǒ?
So those who no longer talk/contact (me) don't desire to wound me?

Wǒ ài de rén bù ài wǒ
People that I loved non beloved me
不是怕寂寞 是怕太脆弱
bùshì pà jìmò shì pà tài cuìruò
( I'm ) non afraid of loneliness, only afraid of beingness likewise fragile
飛機已穿越了雲朵 我還在守候
fēijī yǐ chuānyuèle yúnduǒ wǒ hái zài shǒuhòu
The bird has crossed the clouds as well as I'm all the same waiting
rìzi yīyàng deguò
The same day
dàn wǒ ài de rén tā bù zài ài wǒ
But the people that I loved, non beloved me

àiqíng yǒu tài duō tài duō dìngyì
Love has likewise much definition
wǒmen yǒu tài duō tài duō xiāngxìn
We convey likewise much believing
只是永恆這條路 太多陷阱
zhǐshì yǒnghéng zhè tiáo lù tài duō xiànjǐng
There are likewise many pitfalls inward this way
就算我還一樣 你也不再一樣
jiùsuàn wǒ huán yīyàng nǐ yě bù zài yīyàng
Even if I all the same the same, y'all are no longer the same

wǒ ài de rén bù ài wǒ
People that I loved non beloved me
不是誰的錯 才叫人難過
bùshì shuí de cuò cái jiào rén nánguò
The saddest matter is, No i tin survive blamed
要多久生活才能夠 重新來過
yào duōjiǔ shēnghuó cái nénggòu chóngxīn láiguò
How many life over again to outset over
所以那些不再聯絡 是不想傷害我?
suǒyǐ nàxiē bù zài liánluò shì bùxiǎng shānghài wǒ?
So those who no longer talk/contact (me) don't desire to wound me?

Wǒ ài de rén bù ài wǒ
People that I loved non beloved me
不是怕寂寞 是怕太脆弱
bùshì pà jìmò shì pà tài cuìruò
( I'm ) non afraid of loneliness, only afraid of beingness likewise fragile
飛機已穿越了雲朵 我還在守候
fēijī yǐ chuānyuèle yúnduǒ wǒ hái zài shǒuhòu
The bird has crossed the clouds as well as I'm all the same waiting
rìzi yīyàng deguò
The same day
dàn wǒ ài de rén tā bù zài ài wǒ
But the people that I loved, non beloved me

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