Ronghao Li 李榮浩 - Ballad 歌謠 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Ronghao Li 李榮浩 - Ballad 歌謠 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Ronghao Li 李榮浩 - Ballad 歌謠 Lyrics 歌詞 Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Ronghao Li 李榮浩 - Ballad 歌謠 Lyrics 歌詞 Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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 Ronghao Li 李榮浩 - Ballad 歌謠 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Singer : Ronghao Li 李榮浩
Album : Ballad 歌謠
Title : 歌謠 Ge Yao
English linguistic communication Title : Ballad

站台漸漸遠去 剛好下起了小雨
Zhàntái jiànjiàn yuǎn qù gānghǎo xià qǐle xiǎoyǔ
爸媽囑咐幾句 要好好照顧自己
bà mā zhǔfù jǐ jù yào hǎohǎo zhàogù zìjǐ
六點半的火車上 一口沒喝的豆漿
liù diǎn bàn de huǒchē shàng yīkǒu méi hē de dòujiāng
xínglǐ xiāng qiānguà de zhòngliàng

經過了一段段 努力打拼的日子
jīngguòle yīduàn duàn nǔlì dǎpīn de rìzi
跌倒過很多次 沒有放棄這回事
diédǎoguò hěnduō cì méiyǒu fàngqì zhè huí shì
小時候大人愛講 外面的天有多大
xiǎoshíhòu dàrén ài jiǎng wàimiàn de tiān yǒu duōdà
有一天我也要去闖 流淚和流汗我不怕
yǒu yītiān wǒ yě yào qù chuǎng liúlèi hé liú hàn wǒ bùpà

家鄉那兒的歌謠 對我來講是種依靠
jiāxiāng nà'er de gēyáo duì wǒ lái jiǎng shì zhǒng yīkào
péibàn wǒ duōshǎo cì jiānnán
彩虹多絢爛 絢爛的多平凡
cǎihóng duō xuànlàn xuànlàn de duō píngfán
huàmiàn lǐ nàyàng de hǎokàn

家鄉那兒的歌謠 對我來講是一種好
jiāxiāng nà'er de gēyáo duì wǒ lái jiǎng shì yīzhǒng hǎo
shì wǒ zuì wánqiáng de yījiǎo
měi yīcì wǒ gǎndào jǔsàng jiù chàng qǐ gēyáo
zhèyàng jiù huì kàn dào yuánlái de múyàng

měi yīcì wǒ gǎndào jǔsàng jiù chàng qǐ gēyáo
zhèyàng jiù huì kàn dào yuánlái de múyàng
zhèyàng jiù huì huí dào wǒ lái dì dìfāng

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