Mayday 五月天 - 後來的我們 Here, After, Us Lyrics Alongside English Translation

Mayday 五月天 - 後來的我們 Here, After, Us Lyrics Alongside English Translation

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Mayday 五月天 - 後來的我們 Here, After Us (Hou Lai De Wo Men) Lyric update

They said that your pump seems to stimulate got healed Mayday 五月天 - 後來的我們 Here, After, Us Lyrics amongst English linguistic communication Translation

Singer : Mayday 五月天
Album :  自傳 History of Tomorrow
Title :  後來的我們 (Hou Lai De Wo Men)
English linguistic communication Title : Here, After, Us

Ránhòu ne
And straightaway what?
他們說你的心 似乎痊癒了
tāmen shuō nǐ de xīn sìhū quányùle
They said that your pump seems to stimulate got healed
也開始有個人 為你守護著
yě kāishǐ yǒu gèrén wèi nǐ shǒuhùzhe
And at that topographic point is somebody taking tending of you
我該心安或是 心痛呢
wǒ gāi xīn'ān huò shì xīntòng ne
Should I travel relieved or anguished?

ránhòu ne
And straightaway what?
其實我的日子 也還可以呢
qíshí wǒ de rìzi yě hái kěyǐ ne
Actually, my days acquire on every bit usual
除了回憶肆虐 的某些時刻
chúle huíyì sìnüè de mǒu xiē shíkè
Apart from times where memories wreak havoc
慶幸還有眼淚 沖淡苦澀
qìngxìng hái yǒu yǎnlèi chōngdàn kǔsè
Thankfully, I stimulate got tears to dilute the pain

而那些昨日 依然繽紛著 它們都有我 細心收藏著
ér nàxiē zuórì yīrán bīnfēnzhe tāmen dōu yǒu wǒ xìxīn shōucángzhe
Those yesteryear days rest brilliant inward my mind, treasured deep inward my heart
也許你還記得 也許你都忘了
yěxǔ nǐ hái jìdé yěxǔ nǐ dōu wàngle
Maybe yous however remember, or perhaps yous forgot it
也不是那麽 重要了
yě bùshì nàmó zhòngyàole
But that doesn't thing anymore

只期待 後來的你 能快樂
zhǐ qídài hòulái de nǐ néng kuàilè
What I desire is yous tin travel happy inward the future
那就是 後來的我 最想的
nà jiùshì hòulái de wǒ zuì xiǎng de
That is what I desire the almost inward the future
後來的我們 依然走著
hòulái de wǒmen yīrán zǒuzhe
We are however walking inward the future
zhǐshì bù zài bìngjiānle
But no longer side yesteryear side
朝各自的人生 追尋了
cháo gèzì de rénshēng zhuīxúnle
We’ll travel chasing the paths of our ain lives

無論是 後來故事 怎麽了
wúlùn shì hòulái gùshì zěnmóle
No thing how the storey develops inward the future
也要讓 後來人生 精彩著
yě yào ràng hòulái rénshēng jīngcǎizhe
(Our) life inward the hereafter should besides travel amazing
後來的我們 我期待著
hòulái de wǒmen wǒ qídàizhuó
In our future, I wishing to
淚水中能看到 你真的 自由了
lèishuǐzhōng néng kàn dào nǐ zhēn de zìyóule
see yous genuinely gratis inward the midst of all the tears

qīn'ài de
My dearest
回憶我們共同 走過的曲折
huíyì wǒmen gòngtóng zǒuguò de qūzhé
Do yous retrieve the winding roads nosotros experienced together?
是那些帶我們 來到了這一刻
shì nàxiē dài wǒmen lái dàole zhè yīkè
Those were thing that led us here
讓珍貴的人生 有失有得
ràng zhēnguì de rénshēng yǒu shī yǒu dé
We learnt to laissez passer in addition to accept inward our lives

用新的幸福 把遺憾包著 就這麽朝著 未來前進了
yòng xīn de xìngfú bǎ yíhàn bāozhe jiù zhèmó cháozhe wèilái qiánjìnle
Wrap upward yesteryear regrets amongst novel happiness, that is how nosotros volition walk to the future
有再多的不捨 也要狠心割捨
yǒu zài duō de bù shě yě yào hěnxīn gēshě
No thing how reluctant I am, I must however pause away ruthlessly
別回頭看我 親愛的
bié huítóu kàn wǒ qīn'ài de
Don’t await dorsum at me, my dear

只期待 後來的你 能快樂
zhǐ qídài hòulái de nǐ néng kuàilè
What I desire is yous tin travel happy inward the future
那就是 後來的我 最想的
nà jiùshì hòulái de wǒ zuì xiǎng de
That is my deepest wishing inward the future
後來的我們 依然走著
hòulái de wǒmen yīrán zǒuzhe
We are however walking inward the future
zhǐshì bù zài bìngjiānle
But nosotros are non walking adjacent anymore
朝各自的人生 追尋了
cháo gèzì de rénshēng zhuīxúnle
We’ll travel chasing the paths of our ain lives

無論是 後來故事 怎麽了
wúlùn shì hòulái gùshì zěnmóle
No thing how the storey develops inward the future
也要讓 後來人生 精彩著
yě yào ràng hòulái rénshēng jīngcǎizhe
(Our) life inward the hereafter should besides travel amazing
後來的我們 我期待著
hòulái de wǒmen wǒ qídàizhuó
In our future, I wishing to
淚水中能看到 你真的 幸福快樂
lèishuǐzhōng néng kàn dào nǐ zhēn de xìngfú kuàilè
see yous genuinely gratis inward the midst of all the tears

在某處 另一個你 留下了
zài mǒu chù lìng yīgè nǐ liú xiàle
Somewhere, yous left the "other you"
在那裏 另一個我 微笑著
zài nàlǐ lìng yīgè wǒ wéixiàozhe
There, the "other me" is smilling
另一個我們 還深愛著
lìng yīgè wǒmen hái shēn àizhe
That "other us" is however deeply inward love
dàitì wǒmen yǒnghéngzhe
replacing us inward eternity
如果能這麽想 就夠了
rúguǒ néng zhèmó xiǎng jiù gòule
If exclusively I could believe this, that would travel enough

無論是 後來故事 怎麽了
wúlùn shì hòulái gùshì zěnmóle
No thing how the storey develops inward the future
也要讓 後來人生 精彩著
yě yào ràng hòulái rénshēng jīngcǎizhe
(Our) life inward the hereafter should besides travel amazing
後來的我們 我期待著
hòulái de wǒmen wǒ qídàizhuó
In our future, I wishing to
淚水中能看到 你真的 自由了
lèishuǐzhōng néng kàn dào nǐ zhēn de zìyóule
see yous genuinely gratis inward the midst of all the tears

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