Niko Sun 孫子涵 - Cooking For Dear 烹愛 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Niko Sun 孫子涵 - Cooking For Dear 烹愛 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Niko Sun 孫子涵 - Cooking For Dear 烹愛 Lyrics 歌詞 Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Niko Sun 孫子涵 - Cooking For Dear 烹愛 Lyrics 歌詞 Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Niko Lord's Day 孫子涵 - Cooking for Love 烹愛 Lyrics 歌詞 update

 Niko Lord's Day 孫子涵 - Cooking for Love 烹愛 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Singer : Niko Lord's Day 孫子涵
Album :  Cooking for Love 烹愛
Title : Peng Ai 烹愛
English linguistic communication Title : Cooking for Love

知道嗎 我想要大大的廚房
Zhīdào ma wǒ xiǎng yào dàdà de chúfáng
yù dào nǐ jiù yǒule jiā
等著孩子 添副碗碟筷多一雙
děngzhe háizi tiān fù wǎn dié kuài duō yī shuāng
nà jiùshì wǒ quánbù shēwàng

你說的 滿堂盛宴不如我面強
nǐ shuō de mǎntáng shèngyàn bùrú wǒ miàn qiáng
rìzi bùyòng fúkuā mài xiāng
守住寂寞 油鹽醬醋 各有主張
shǒuzhù jìmò yóu yán jiàng cù gè yǒu zhǔzhāng
這都成 我所有信仰
zhè dōu chéng wǒ suǒyǒu xìnyǎng

請告訴我 如果愛情 像道菜一樣
qǐng gàosu wǒ rúguǒ àiqíng xiàng dào cài yīyàng
盼須多少 念該放幾兩
pàn xū duōshǎo niàn gāi fàng jǐ liǎng
shénme shíhou zài jiā jìn zhēnxīn de jiān'áo
cáinéng gāntián jiǔzhǎng
yǒu méiyǒu pèifāng

我執祈願 我的愛情 像做菜一樣
wǒzhí qíyuàn wǒ de àiqíng xiàng zuò cài yīyàng
cūchádànfàn yě dūhuì hěn xiāng
rèn yóu píngdàn yě bùyào zài duō de chóucháng
再多燜燉 都要新鮮綻放
zài duō mèn dùn dōu yào xīnxiān zhànfàng
nǐ dàodǐ zài shénme yàng dì dìfāng
nǐ shì bùshì wǒ xiǎngxiàng de múyàng

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