Eric 周兴哲 - 学着爱 My Manner To Dearest Lyric Update

Eric 周兴哲 - 学着爱 My Manner To Dearest Lyric Update

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Eric 周兴哲 - 学着爱 My Way to Love Lyric update

 Eric 周兴哲 - 学着爱 My Way to Love Lyric Update

Singer : Eric 周興哲
Album :  学着爱 My Way to Love ( click to run into amount album lyric )
Title :  学着爱 Xue Zhe Ai
English linguistic communication Title : My Way to Love

誰把感覺 突然間全打開
Shuí bǎ gǎnjué túrán jiān quán dǎkāi
來不及學會 去分辨好與壞
láibují xuéhuì qù fēnbiàn hǎo yǔ huài
帶著不安 衝動摸索著愛
dàizhe bù'ān chōngdòng mōsuǒzhe ài
那時臉上的眼淚 算什麼答案
nà shí liǎn shàng de yǎnlèi suàn shénme dá'àn

Cause You Are My Love
wǒ xuézhe ài
Good Morning Sunshine
xīwàng xūyào rěnnài

Cause You Are My Love
wǒ màn human being qù xuézhe yǒnggǎn
學著坦白 學柔軟 學依賴
xuézhe tǎnbái xué róuruǎn xué yīlài
You Are My Love

驕傲自信 瞬間全被推翻
jiāo'ào zìxìn shùnjiān quán bèi tuīfān
真的不明白 為什麼會失敗
zhēn de bù míngbái wèishéme huì shībài
渴望未來 也準備好孤單
kěwàng wèilái yě zhǔnbèi hǎo gūdān
想起你卻忍不住 眼淚氾濫
xiǎngqǐ nǐ què rěn bù zhù yǎnlèi fànlàn

Cause You Are My Love
wǒ xuézhe ài
Good Morning Sunshine
měihǎo xūyào děngdài

Cause You Are My Love
nǐ fùyǔ zhège wǒ cúnzài
學著期待 學著夢 學著愛
xuézhe qídài xuézhe mèng xuézhe ài
You Are My Love

Woo Woo Hey
You Are My Love

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