Eric 周兴哲 - Crying For Xmas 爱在圣诞 Lyric Update

Eric 周兴哲 - Crying For Xmas 爱在圣诞 Lyric Update

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Eric 周兴哲 - Crying for Xmas 爱在圣诞 Lyric update

 I experience similar a fool crying for Christmas shortly Eric 周兴哲 - Crying for Xmas 爱在圣诞 Lyric Update

Singer : Eric 周興哲
Album :  学着爱 My Way to Love ( click to run into amount album lyric )
Title :  爱在圣诞 Ai Zai Shengdan
English linguistic communication Title : Crying for Xmas

我只想坐在这儿 也许奇蹟会出现
Wǒ zhǐ xiǎng zuò zài zhè'er yěxǔ qíjī huì chūxiàn
想着你的一切 是那么完美
xiǎngzhe nǐ de yīqiè shì nàme wánměi

oh我多想要拥着你 拥着你直到永远
oh wǒ duō xiǎng yào yōngzhe nǐ yōngzhe nǐ zhídào yǒngyuǎn
Am I a fool crying for Christmas soon

你的笑容 把我的理智都带走
nǐ de xiàoróng bǎ wǒ de lǐzhì dōu dài zǒu
就让我变成snow 溶在你的手心中
jiù ràng wǒ biàn chéng snowfall róng zài nǐ de shǒu xīnzhōng
想要你的全部 幻想的每一幕
xiǎng yào nǐ de quánbù huànxiǎng de měi yīmù
I experience similar a fool crying for Christmas soon

我一直坐在这儿 期待有一天你出现
wǒ yīzhí zuò zài zhè'er qídài yǒu yītiān nǐ chūxiàn
我不会装羞怯 让我感受爱
wǒ bù huì zhuāng xiūqiè ràng wǒ gǎnshòu ài

oh请你把我拥入怀 就像永远不放开
oh qǐng nǐ bǎ wǒ yōng rù huái jiù xiàng yǒngyuǎn bù fàng kāi
I know I'm a fool crying for Christmas soon
等待 犹豫 只会让爱情变空气
děngdài yóuyù zhǐ huì ràng àiqíng biàn kōngqì
我不在乎走过去 我愿意先看着你
wǒ bùzàihū zǒu guòqù wǒ yuànyì xiān kànzhe nǐ

你(我)就在原地 等待我(你)靠近你(我)
nǐ (wǒ) jiù zàiyuán dì děngdài wǒ (nǐ) kàojìn nǐ (wǒ)
It's dearest I know crying for Christmas soon

也许会有一点困惑 但这就是美好的感受
yěxǔ huì yǒu yīdiǎn kùnhuò dàn zhè jiùshì měihǎo de gǎnshòu
你的完美让我却步 我的完美因为有你
nǐ de wánměi ràng wǒ quèbù wǒ de wánměi yīnwèi yǒu nǐ
oh踏出这步我有点不自在 但你让我无法再等待
oh tà chū zhè bù wǒ yǒudiǎn bù zìzài dàn nǐ ràng wǒ wúfǎ zài děngdài
oh infant I volition dearest yous forever

follow my stride 一步一步的贴近我
follow my stride yībù yībù de tiējìn wǒ
彻底把心交给我 天堂就在不远处
chèdǐ bǎ xīn jiāo gěi wǒ tiāntáng jiù zài bù yuǎn chù

这就是爱情 就像活在梦境
zhè jiùshì àiqíng jiù xiàng huó zài mèngjìng
It's dearest I know crying for Christmas soon
It's dearest I know crying for Christmas soon

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