Stefanie Sun 孫燕姿 - A Dancing Van Gogh 跳舞的梵谷 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Stefanie Sun 孫燕姿 - A Dancing Van Gogh 跳舞的梵谷 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Stefanie Sun 孫燕姿 - A Dancing Van Gogh 跳舞的梵谷 Lyrics 歌詞 Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Stefanie Sun 孫燕姿 - A Dancing Van Gogh 跳舞的梵谷 Lyrics 歌詞 Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Stefanie Dominicus 孫燕姿 - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Dancing Van Gogh 跳舞的梵谷 (Tiao Wu De Fan Gu) Lyrics 歌詞 update

 Stefanie Dominicus 孫燕姿 - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Dancing Van Gogh 跳舞的梵谷 Lyrics 歌詞 Update
Singer: Stefanie Dominicus 孫燕姿
Album: A Dancing Van Gog 跳舞的梵谷
Title: 跳舞的梵谷 (Tiao Wu De Fan Gu)
English linguistic communication Title: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Dancing Van Gog

向日葵 金豔如火
Xiàngrìkuí jīnyànrú huǒ
捨棄了 陽光包裹
shěqìle yángguāng bāoguǒ
麥田裡 群鴉燥動
màitián lǐ qún yā zào dòng
我看見 奇異美夢
wǒ kànjiàn qíyì měimèng

The Starry Night 將我旋轉
The Starry Night jiāng wǒ xuánzhuǎn
bēishāng yǔ kuánghuān liúcuàn
我捨不得 不想醒來
wǒ shěbudé bùxiǎng xǐng lái

親愛的梵谷 多孤獨
qīn'ài de fàn gǔ duō gūdú
帶著我跳舞 到結束
dàizhe wǒ tiàowǔ dào jiéshù
忘掉這世界 多滿足
wàngdiào zhè shìjiè duō mǎnzú
不回顧 不頑固 不踟躕
bù huígù bù wángù bù chíchú

咖啡座 誰陪伴我
kāfēi zuò shuí péibàn wǒ
那男子 沉醉倒臥
nà nánzǐ chénzuì dào wò
背負著 呢喃寂寞
bèifùzhe nínán jìmò
翻過身 他就是我
fānguò shēn tā jiùshì wǒ

Wheatfield amongst Crows將我遮蓋
Wheatfield amongst Crows jiāng wǒ zhēgài
bēishāng yǔ kuánghuān liúcuàn
我捨不得 終要醒來
wǒ shěbudé zhōng yào xǐng lái

親愛的梵谷 多孤獨
qīn'ài de fàn gǔ duō gūdú
帶著我跳舞 到結束
dàizhe wǒ tiàowǔ dào jiéshù
忘掉這世界 多滿足
wàngdiào zhè shìjiè duō mǎnzú
不回顧 不頑固 不踟躕
bù huígù bù wángù bù chíchú

跳舞的梵谷 每一步
tiàowǔ de fàn gǔ měi yībù
帶著我領悟 那純樸
dàizhe wǒ lǐngwù nà chúnpǔ
燃燒這國度 束與縛
ránshāo zhè guódù shù yǔ fù
不謝幕 不慶祝 不歡呼
bù xièmù bù qìngzhù bù huānhū
不回顧 不頑固 不踟躕
bù huígù bù wángù bù chíchú
不謝幕 不慶祝 不歡呼
bù xièmù bù qìngzhù bù huānhū

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