孫子涵 Niko Sun - 傻傻等 Similar A Fool Lyrics Update

孫子涵 Niko Sun - 傻傻等 Similar A Fool Lyrics Update

孫子涵 Niko Sun - 傻傻等 Similar A Fool Lyrics Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title 孫子涵 Niko Sun - 傻傻等 Similar A Fool Lyrics Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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 孫子涵 Niko Dominicus - 傻傻等 Like Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Fool Lyrics Update

Singer : 孫子涵 Niko Sun
Album : Geminiko
Title : Sha Sha Deng 傻傻等
English linguistic communication Title : Like Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Fool

Gěi nǐ zuì hǎo nǐ dōu bù kěn yào
你認為的美好 我都不覺得美好
nǐ rènwéi dì měihǎo wǒ dū bù juédé měihǎo
還惦記他的玫瑰 噎在心裡枯萎
hái diànjì tā de méiguī yē zài xīnlǐ kūwěi
juédé tài kuī yìng yào bǎ shuí pèiduì chéngyī duì

xiǎng dòu nǐ xiào nǐ dōu bù kěn xiào
你覺得好無聊 我才偶爾耍耍寶
nǐ juédé hǎo wúliáo wǒ cái ǒu'ěr shuǎ shuǎbǎo
就不能敞開心扉 讓我百轉千回
jiù bùnéng chǎngkāi xīnfēi ràng wǒ bǎi zhuǎn qiān huí
愛到推諉 碰過酒杯後摔成粉碎
ài dào tuīwěi pèngguò jiǔbēi hòu shuāi chéng fěnsuì

那條街 那家店 那次的問好
nà tiáo jiē nà jiā diàn nà cì de wènhǎo
談了情 說了笑 第一次擁抱
tánle qíng shuōle xiào dì yī cì yǒngbào
nǐ shì qínggǎn cuìruò de rén
xūyào sìmiàn jiāngù de chéngbǎo

那支煙 那雙眼 那旅館的貓
nà zhī yān nà shuāng yǎn nà lǚguǎn de māo
接了吻 動了唇 就以為到老
jiēle wěn dòngle chún jiù yǐwéi dào lǎo
Wǒ zài táifēng zhōng shǎ shǎ děng
děng lái bǎigǎn jiāojí de wǒmen

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