Michael Wong 光良 - Ix Ways To Bask Loneliness 九種使用孤獨的正確方式 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Michael Wong 光良 - Ix Ways To Bask Loneliness 九種使用孤獨的正確方式 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Michael Wong 光良 - Ix Ways To Bask Loneliness 九種使用孤獨的正確方式 Lyrics 歌詞 Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Michael Wong 光良 - Ix Ways To Bask Loneliness 九種使用孤獨的正確方式 Lyrics 歌詞 Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Michael Wong 光良 (Guang Liang) - Nine Ways to Enjoy Loneliness 九種使用孤獨的正確方式 (Jiu Zhong Shi Yong Gu Du De Zheng Que Fang Shi)  Lyrics 歌詞 update

Jiu Zhong Shi Yong Gu Du De Zheng Que Fang Shi Michael Wong 光良 - Nine Ways to Enjoy Loneliness 九種使用孤獨的正確方式 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Singer: Michael Wong 光良 (Guang Liang)
Album: Nine Ways to Enjoy Loneliness 九種使用孤獨的正確方式
Title: 九種使用孤獨的正確方式 (Jiu Zhong Shi Yong Gu Du De Zheng Que Fang Shi)
English linguistic communication Title: Nine Ways to Enjoy Loneliness

一是倒背笑忘書 到爛熟
Yī shì dào bèi xiào wàng shū dào lànshú
二是看日出 三是晾衣服
èr shì kàn rì chū sān shì liàng yīfú
四是回家的路途 繞遠路
sì shì huí jiā de lùtú ràoyuǎn lù
五是等冰塊凝固 六是畫地圖
wǔ shì děng bīng kuài nínggù liù shì huà dìtú

我一天天 一天天 研究
wǒ yītiāntiān yī tiāntiān yánjiū
要如何 正確使用 孤獨
yào rúhé zhèngquè shǐyòng gūdú

Day past times hateful solar daytime … Day past times day
wǒ yǐ xuéhuì gēn gūdú hémù
And hateful solar daytime past times hateful solar daytime … Day past times day
cái juédé gūdú bù kǒngbù

七是為黑白電影 上字幕
qī shì wèi hēibái diànyǐng shàng zìmù
八是偽裝成榕樹 九是學鸚鵡
bā shì wèizhuāng chéng róngshù jiǔ shì xué yīngwǔ

dāng nǐ zhèngquè shǐyòng gūdú de shíhòu
你會發現你開始會 享受 喔
nǐ huì fāxiàn nǐ kāishǐ huì xiǎngshòu ō

And hateful solar daytime past times hateful solar daytime … Day past times day
yī tiān bù gūdú bú shūfú
Day past times hateful solar daytime … Day past times day
gūdú yǒu yī wàn gè hǎochù

And hateful solar daytime past times hateful solar daytime … Day past times day
qièjì bié duì gūdú bùxiè
And hateful solar daytime past times hateful solar daytime … Day past times day
對孤獨該心存 感謝
duì gūdú gāi xīn cún gǎnxiè

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