Luhan 鹿晗 - Grab Me When One Autumn 某時某刻 Lyrics Update

Luhan 鹿晗 - Grab Me When One Autumn 某時某刻 Lyrics Update

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LuHan 鹿晗 - Catch Me When I Fall 某時某刻 Lyrics update

 LuHan 鹿晗 - Catch Me When I Fall 某時某刻 Lyrics Update

Singer : LuHan 鹿晗
Album :  Xperience
Title : Mou Shi Mou Ke 某時某刻
English linguistic communication Title : Catch Me When I Fall

Hey Hey
電影裡的劇情 今天就先到這裡
diànyǐng lǐ de jùqíng jīntiān jiù xiān dào zhèlǐ
當黑夜變得安靜 剩我自己
dāng hēiyè biàn dé ānjìng shèng wǒ zìjǐ
當黑夜喚醒清晨之後 可是關於人生
dāng hēiyè huànxǐng qīngchén zhīhòu kěshì guānyú rénshēng
見過越多的清晨 卻越陌生
jiànguò yuè duō de qīngchén què yuè mòshēng
我繞著夢想 一路轉
wǒ ràozhe mèngxiǎng yīlù zhuǎn
你看到了哪一段 不喜歡哪一段 都感謝收看
nǐ kàn dàole nǎ yīduàn bù xǐhuān nǎ yīduàn dōu gǎnxiè shōukàn
當潮汐交換 當路燈都變暗
dāng cháoxī jiāohuàn dāng lùdēng dōu biàn àn
當我厭倦天空 想墜入海中
dāng wǒ yànjuàn tiānkōng xiǎng zhuì rù hǎizhōng

Who's gonna choose handgrip of me when I fall
Are you
Who's gonna choose handgrip of me when I fall
Are you

原諒我也會受傷 會偽裝 會徬徨 No
yuánliàng wǒ yě huì shòushāng huì wèizhuāng huì páng huáng
But I don't wanna permit yous downwards permit yous down
ràng nǐ shīwàng No
誰能從來不受傷 不偽裝 不徬徨 No
shuí néng cónglái bu shòushāng bù wèizhuāng bù páng huáng No
I don't wanna permit yous downwards permit yous down
讓你失望 No
ràng nǐ shīwàng No

tāmen shuō wǒ shì bèi shàngtiān juàngù nà yīgè
所以必須完美著 每時每刻
suǒyǐ bìxū wánměizhe měi shí měi kè
想訴說 卻發現已難開口 坦白脆弱
xiǎng sùshuō què fāxiàn yǐ nán kāikǒu tǎnbái cuìruò
哪怕我此刻承受的 已超負荷
nǎpà wǒ cǐkè chéngshòu de yǐ chāo fùhè
nǐ zǒng yǐwéi quándōu liǎojiě
kě zhǐyǒu wǒ zuì qīngchǔ xìngyùn láilín zhīqián
měi gè shīmián

當目光冷卻 當列車都停歇
dāng mùguāng lěngquè dāng lièchē dōu tíngxiē
當我厭倦天空 想墜入海中
dāng wǒ yànjuàn tiānkōng xiǎng zhuì rù hǎizhōng

Who's gonna choose handgrip of me when I fall
Are you
Who's gonna choose handgrip of me when I fall
Are you

原諒我也會受傷 會偽裝 會徬徨 No
yuánliàng wǒ yě huì shòushāng huì wèizhuāng huì páng huáng No
But I don't wanna permit yous downwards permit yous down
ràng nǐ shīwàng No
誰能從來不受傷 不偽裝 不徬徨 No
shuí néng cónglái bu shòushāng bù wèizhuāng bù páng huáng No
I don't wanna permit yous downwards permit yous down
讓你失望 No
ràng nǐ shīwàng No

世界請等一等 不想回家的人
shìjiè qǐng děng yī děng bùxiǎng huí jiā de rén
děng tā tīng wán zhèshǒu gē
zài huí dào tā ānshēn dì nà shàn mén
我相信 最後當我轉身
wǒ xiāngxìn zuìhòu dāng wǒ zhuǎnshēn
當我厭倦天空 想墜入海中
dāng wǒ yànjuàn tiānkōng xiǎng zhuì rù hǎizhōng

Someone volition choose handgrip of me when I fall
I know
Someone volition choose handgrip of me when I fall
I know

我們一樣會受傷 會偽裝 會徬徨 No
wǒmen yīyàng huì shòushāng huì wèizhuāng huì páng huáng No
誰能從來不受傷 不偽裝 不徬徨 No
shuí néng cónglái bu shòushāng bù wèizhuāng bù páng huáng No
就讓我們去受傷 去偽裝 去徬徨 oh
jiù ràng wǒmen qù shòushāng qù wèizhuāng qù páng huáng oh
然後繼續去感受 去衝撞 去飛翔 now
ránhòu jìxù qù gǎnshòu qù chōngzhuàng qù fēixiáng now

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