Wu Tsing Fong 吳青峰 - Everybody Woohoo Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Wu Tsing Fong 吳青峰 - Everybody Woohoo Lyrics 歌詞 Update

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 Wu Tsing Fong 吳青峰 - Everybody Woohoo Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Singer: Wu Tsing Fong 吳青峰
Album:Everybody Woohoo
Title: Everybody Woohoo
English linguistic communication Title: Everybody Woohoo

Nǎ yǒu shé me dōu néng shuō chū gè yìyì
fèihuà cháng bāozhuāng chéng dà dàolǐ
méiyǒu yìyì huì bù huì fǎn'ér yǒuyìyì
shān shuǐmò xià xūyào yīxiē liú bái qíjī

我快樂時候woo 我難過更要woo
wǒ kuàilè shíhòu woo wǒ nánguò gèng yào woo
對危險的渴慕 對現世的疏忽
duì wéixiǎn de kěmù duì xiànshì de shūhū
(沒來由哭一哭 忽然又不在乎)
(méiláiyóu kū yī kū hūrán yòu bùzàihū)
yǒu shíhòu mm……

So everybody woohoo
So everybody woohoo
有靈感時候woo 百無聊賴也woo
yǒu línggǎn shíhòu woo bǎiwúliáolài yě woo
yǒu shí yě hey

So everybody woohoo
So everybody woohoo
我孤獨時候woo 我歡呼當然woo
wǒ gūdú shíhòu woo wǒ huānhū dāngrán woo
yǒu shí huì yeah

jīntiān yìng gāi zhào shénme guījǔ jìxù
xǐhuān nǐ cónglái méiyǒu gēnjù
wàn yī `méiyǒu dá'àn'shì wéiyī de dá'àn
yǔyán lǎo shì wúfǎ biǎodá `yǔyán zìjǐ'

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