Lu Hu 陸虎 - Xue Luo Xia De Sheng Yin 雪落下的聲音 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Lu Hu 陸虎 - Xue Luo Xia De Sheng Yin 雪落下的聲音 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Lu Hu 陸虎 - Xue Luo Xia De Sheng Yin 雪落下的聲音 Lyrics 歌詞 Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Lu Hu 陸虎 - Xue Luo Xia De Sheng Yin 雪落下的聲音 Lyrics 歌詞 Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Lu Hu 陸虎 - Xue Luo Xia De Sheng Yin 雪落下的聲音 (The Sound of Snow Falling) Lyrics 歌詞 update

 Lu Hu 陸虎 - Xue Luo Xia De Sheng Yin 雪落下的聲音 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Singer: Lu Hu 陸虎
Album: Xue Luo Xia De Sheng Yin 雪落下的聲音
Title: Xue Luo Xia De Sheng Yin 雪落下的聲音 | 電視劇《延禧攻略》片尾曲
English linguistic communication Title: The Sound of Snow Falling

Qīng qīng, luò zài wǒ zhǎngxīn,
jìng jìng, zài zhǎngzhōng jié bīng.
Xiāngféng, shì qiánshì zhùdìng,
tòng bìng, bǎ kuàilè cháng jǐn.

Míngmíng, huà nàme hánxīn,
jiǎzhuāng, nà zhīshì dīngníng.
Lèi jǐn, yě bùnéng xiāngxìn,
cǐshēng, rú zhǐ bān bómìng.

Wǒ màn human being de tīng, xuě luòxià de shēngyīn,
bì zhuó yǎnjīng huànxiǎng tā bù huì tíng,
nǐ méi bànfǎ kàojìn, jué bùshì tài bóqíng,
zhǐshì tānliàn chuāngwài hǎo fēngjǐng.

Wǒ màn human being de pǐn, xuě luòxià de shēngyīn,
fǎngfú shì nǐ tiēzhe wǒ jiào qīng qīng,
zhēng kāile yǎnjīng, màntiān de xuě wúqíng
誰來賠這一生 好光景?
shuí lái péi zhè yīshēng hǎo guāngjǐng?

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