Grady Guan 關喆 - Even In Addition To Thence Non A Touching On Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Grady Guan 關喆 - Even In Addition To Thence Non A Touching On Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Grady Guan 關喆 - Even In Addition To Thence Non A Touching On Lyrics 歌詞 Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Grady Guan 關喆 - Even In Addition To Thence Non A Touching On Lyrics 歌詞 Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Grady Guan 關喆 - Yet Not H5N1 Touch Lyrics 歌詞 update

 Grady Guan 關喆 - Yet Not H5N1 Touch Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Singer: Grady Guan 關喆
Album: Yet Not H5N1 Touch
Title: Yet Not H5N1 Touch
English linguistic communication Title: Yet Not H5N1 Touch

最後一班地鐵 隧道穿梭明滅
Zuìhòu yī bān dìtiě suìdào chuānsuō míngmiè
街道空空如也 回憶慢慢陳列
jiēdào kōngkōngrúyě huíyì màn human chénliè
黑暗中的靜電 一瞬間火花又熄滅
hēi'àn zhōng de jìngdiàn yī shùnjiān huǒhuā yòu xímiè
一切好像幻覺 你忽然照亮我世界
yīqiè hǎoxiàng huànjué nǐ hūrán zhào liàng wǒ shìjiè
在人海中 獨自遊了太久
zài rén hǎizhōng dúzì yóule tài jiǔ
徘徊不休 潮汐為誰停留
páihuái bùxiū cháoxī wèi shuí tíngliú
換氣抬頭 望見你的眼眸
huàn qì táitóu wàng jiàn nǐ de yǎn móu
暗流湧動 心底礁石穿透
ànliú yǒng dòng xīndǐ jiāoshí chuān tòu

我向你伸出手 又悄悄縮回手
wǒ xiàng nǐ shēn chūshǒu yòu qiāoqiāo suō huí shǒu
還未響起的前奏 已經幻想白首
hái wèi xiǎngqǐ de qiánzòu yǐjīng huànxiǎng bái shǒu
我一次次向前走 卻忍不住回過頭
wǒ yīcì cì xiàng qián zǒu què rěn bù zhù huí guòtóu
我勸自己放開那 從未被你牽住的手
wǒ quàn zìjǐ fàng kāi nà cóng wèi bèi nǐ qiān zhù de shǒu

Love is a touch
Yet non a touch
Miss you lot much

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