Nicky Lee 李玖哲 - Fen Shen You Lot Shu 分身有術 Lyrics 歌詞 Amongst English Translation

Nicky Lee 李玖哲 - Fen Shen You Lot Shu 分身有術 Lyrics 歌詞 Amongst English Translation

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Nicky Lee 李玖哲 - Fen Shen You Shu 分身有術 Lyrics 歌詞 update together with English linguistic communication Translation | 李玖哲分身有術歌詞

Singer: Nicky Lee 李玖哲
Album: Fen Shen You Shu 分身有術
Title: Fen Shen You Shu 分身有術
English linguistic communication Title:

驕傲 武裝自己就能做到
Jiāo'ào wǔzhuāng zìjǐ jiù néng zuò dào
Pride. It tin move move done past times arming myself.
至少 受了傷還可以逃
zhìshǎo shòule shāng hái kěyǐ táo
At least, when getting pain, I tin move escape.
不要聽 誰嘲笑
bùyào tīng shuí cháoxiào
Don't assist they mock you.

討好 委屈自己就能做到
tǎohǎo wěiqu zìjǐ jiù néng zuò dào
Compliment. It tin move move done past times beingness wronged.
至少 還能換一個擁抱
zhìshǎo hái néng huàn yīgè yǒngbào
At least, I nevertheless tin move telephone substitution a hug.
別管誰 不看好
bié guǎn shuí bù kànhǎo
Don't heed they await downwardly on you.

我們其實都心裡 有數 我們都努力分身 有術
wǒmen qíshí dōu xīnlǐ yǒushù wǒmen dōu nǔlì fēnshēn yǒushù
We knew it for sure. We are struggling difficult to position on a pretended mask.
偏偏人卻是最 難解的動物 多麼在乎 也不保證幸福
piānpiān rén què shì zuì nánjiě de dòngwù duōme zàihū yě bù bǎozhèng xìngfú
Whereas human is a complicated animal. How much y'all assist doesn't hateful how joyful y'all are.

聽好 好聽的話是個圈套
tīng hǎohǎo tīng dehuà shìgè quāntào
Listen. Compliments are simply traps.
不要 愛無反顧往下跳
bùyào ài wú fǎn gù wǎng xià tiào
Don't hop inwards traps without hesitation.

痛多深 看不到
tòng duō shēn kàn bù dào
The sorrow is besides deep to measure.

我們其實都心裡 有數 我們都努力分身 有術
wǒmen qíshí dōu xīnlǐ yǒushù wǒmen dōu nǔlì fēnshēn yǒushù
We knew it for sure, struggling difficult to position on a pretended mask.
偏偏人卻是最 難解的動物 多麼在乎 也不保證幸福
piānpiān rén què shì zuì nánjiě de dòngwù duōme zàihū yě bù bǎozhèng xìngfú
Human is a complicated animal. How much y'all assist doesn't hateful how joyful y'all are.
我們其實都心裡 有數 我們都努力分身 有術
wǒmen qíshí dōu xīnlǐ yǒushù wǒmen dōu nǔlì fēnshēn yǒu shù
We knew it for sure, struggling difficult to position on a pretended mask.
偏偏愛卻是最 難解的算數 多不認輸 也分不出勝負
piānpiān ài què shì zuì nánjiě de suànshù duō bù rènshū yě fēn bù chū shèngfù
Love is a complicated topic. If y'all didn't hand in, y'all would non accomplish the end.

多想哭不敢哭 兩個人更孤獨
duō xiǎng kū bù gǎn kū liǎng gè rén gèng gūdú
I wanna yell but dare non to cry. Two soul are to a greater extent than lonely than one.
拚了命抓住 最後把自己給辜負
pànle mìng zhuā zhù zuìhòu bǎ zìjǐ gěi gūfù
Work difficult to chase love. In the end, disappointment is caused past times yourself. 
多寬恕才算數 愛變成綁住心的包袱 還是禮物
duō kuānshù cái suànshù ài biànchéng bǎng zhù xīn de bāofú háishì lǐwù
Can forgiveness count? Love turns out to move a burden or a gift.

我們其實都心裡 有數 (多想哭不敢哭) 我們都努力分身 有術
wǒmen qíshí dōu xīnlǐ yǒu shù (duō xiǎng kū bù gǎn kū) wǒmen dōu nǔlì fēnshēn yǒu shù
We knew it for sure. (I wanna yell but dare non to cry.) We are struggling difficult to position on a pretended mask.
(會糊塗 會嫉妒 會反覆) 偏偏人卻是最 難解的動物
(huì hútú huì jídù huì fǎnfù) piānpiān rén què shì zuì nánjiě de dòngwù
(Will move confused. Will move jealous. Will move repeated.) Human is a complicated animal.
(多麼在乎) 多麼在乎 也不保證幸福
(duōme zàihū) duōme zàihū yě bù bǎozhèng xìngfú
(How much produce y'all care?) How much y'all assist doesn't hateful how joyful y'all are.
我們其實都心裡 有數 我們都努力分身 有術
wǒmen qíshí dōu xīnlǐ yǒu shù wǒmen dōu nǔlì fēnshēn yǒu shù
We knew it for sure, struggling difficult to position on a pretended mask.
偏偏愛卻是最 難解的算數 多不認輸 也分不出對錯勝負
piānpiān ài què shì zuì nánjiě de suànshù duō bù rènshū yě fēn bù chū duì cuò shèngfù
Love is a complicated topic. Even if y'all didn't hand in, y'all would non detect out the response together with accomplish the end.

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