Don’t Mind- Moira Dela Torre

Don’t Mind- Moira Dela Torre

Don’t Mind- Moira Dela Torre - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Don’t Mind- Moira Dela Torre, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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They’re tellin me this
They’re tellin me that
As soon as i take’em with me, I’ll never go back
Now i got a lesson that i wanna teach
Imma show you that where you’re from don’t matter to me
I said, “Hola. ¿Cómo estás?” You said, “Konnichiwa.”
I said, “Pardon my French,” You said, “Bonjour, Madame.”
Then I said, “Sak pase,” and you said, “N’ap boule.”
No matter where I go, you know I’ll love ’em all

This guy’s Filipino, for sure
I told him, “baby come back when you’ve seen the world”
Everytime i come around man, i go for broke
He tells me ‘dont stop!’ Baby keep it going
Now baby you gon going where you supposed to go
Cause i aint got time for you everyday
I said maybe we can pause a bit and take it slow
Baby, we’re a million miles apart anyway


Boy, you’re pretty stubborn, for sure
But you’re not as bad as i thought you were
Everytime you come around, my head starts to turn
And i tell myself “stop! keep your eyes on the road”
Cause baby you gon go where you’re supposed to go
but what if maybe i might just be afraid
so I said maybe we can take a chance and give it a go
I can’t seem to stop fallin anyway

(chorus except for last line)

I tried to run away but then i heard you say….

I dont just wanna be with you, i need to
I fly to every country just to see you
You say you wanna travel ’round the world and learn a bunch of languages So i said me too
I don’t just need to be with you, i love you
There’s nothing in this world i won’t do for you
You say you wanna give me everything and i’d go anywhere as long as it is with you

Last Chorus:

You keep telling me this
and tellin me that
But imma take you with me and we’ll never go back
Now i got a lesson that i wanna teach
Imma show you that where you are don’t matter to me
I said, “Hola. ¿Cómo estás?” You said, “Konnichiwa.”
I said, “Pardon my French,” You said, “Bonjour, Madame.”
Then I said, “Sak pase,” and you said, “N’ap boule.”
No matter where you go, you know i’d leave it all

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