Lupe Fiasco - Something That I Never Had (Lyrics)

Lupe Fiasco - Something That I Never Had (Lyrics)

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[Hook 1:] Please don’t hate me
This ain’t personal
I just wanted something that I never had
Please don’t hate me
This ain’t personal
I just wanted something that I never had
Please don’t want me
This ain’t personal
I just needed something that I never had
And just something that I never had
Just something that I never had
Give me something that I never had

[Verse 1:] Sins of the father follow the fins of the father swimmer
Then my son is going to Jannah
Nah, I don’t off topic nigga, found this in your pocket nigga
I ain’t trying to get on science or rockets with you bitch
I’ve been rocking with you since it was little or nothing
Rhythm adjusting to say your mental vision to someone
Criminal customs still remain, you broken law
Open a broken jaw, say you ain’t going to wow
Yeah she stands here holding your smoking sour
To her big as the while spent that you were small as a locked pitching
Till we losing respect for a pocket picker prediction
New York will celebrate if the Knicks win
And then we’ll hesitate and the Benz lens
Try shooting a gun from this end
This [?] fics and facts and is missing, twisting, denying, amplifying
But is sized behind my diamonds bitch, gone

[Hook 2:] Please don’t hate me
This ain’t personal
I just wanted something that I never had
Please don’t want me
This ain’t personal
I just needed something that I never had
And just something that I never had
Just something that I never had
Give me something that I never had

[Verse 2:] Pins of the mother falling on chest of a doll of a cheating nigga
Simultaneously is breathing with it
Is comfortable you see as [?] We agree to better eat and now that evil vengeance visiting eating with her
Eating dinner, dinner being the inner Eden in her
Anything to get back at that nigga
Her ain’t eating any of the bean dinner, dinner eating her with Eden
Visiting vengeance evil her at eating bitter
The [?] wee slippers in [?] comfortable with his breathing he simultaneously
Cheatin’, furthermore repeating
Furthermore repeating
Repeatedly cannonballing off in the deep end
If walking off is your defense
Then walling off your reasons
From all the [?] is indecent
I bought this doll from a priestess
If you been feeling awfully nauseous said recent that’s the reason bitch, gone

[Hook 3:] Please don’t want me
This ain’t personal
I just needed something that I never had
And just something that I never had
Just something that I never had
Give me something that I never had

[Verse 3:] And he can’t talk yet
Sippy cup sit on sofa beside the shoe of a trusted sitter
Overhearing the bitter
Over here by the mirror was little man making pictures
Hitting his firetruck with one of his action figures
Looks and sees a bird, by the open window he ventures
Contemplates, then enters
Or exit, crawls out on to the ledges
The bird that he once seen is now move closer to the edges
He pursues it but his balance starts to lose it
So he slips and then he falls into a car driving by
Ruthless in the back seat with no scratches
Driver caught up in the music so he didn’t hear him enter we he fell down cause that stupid bitch
Was so caught up in Revenge
Too busy sticking in her pins[?] Luckily he landed in the back of his daddy’s Benz
But he was on his way to go and cheat again

[Hook 4:] Please don’t hate me
This ain’t personal
I just wanted something that I never had
Please don’t want me
This ain’t personal
I just needed something that I never had
Please don’t hate me
This ain’t personal
I just wanted something that I never had

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