B.o.B - That’s How You Feel (Lyrics)

B.o.B - That’s How You Feel (Lyrics)

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[Intro] I don’t waste time wit’ you fake kind
Hustle all day ’til it’s playtime
Motherfucker, I’m a take mine, I’m a take mine
Cause ain’t shit free, I’m a make mine

[Verse 1] So many rumors through the grapevines, I could make wine
But last night was a good night, the great kind
I give a bitch sixty minutes, call it dateline
Straight up and down, I’m a ’80s baby, I smoke eight dimes
Look, I don’t ask no questions, I don’t wait for answers
Born in Cackalacky, but I’m so Atlant’
I want a free bitch wit’ good table manners
Half college girl, half table dancer
Who can see through all of these lies
She sees through all of this propaganda
Seen alcohol take lives and marijuana cure a lady’s cancer
That’s free publicity, ain’t it? But it ain’t no mystery, ain’t it?
I work 24/7, nonstop, I think I deserve to be medicinally faded
I think I deserve to get wasted, I think I deserve a vacation
I spent a couple grips on this whip
Shit, I think I deserve to repaint it

[Hook] I don’t waste time wit’ you fake kind
Hustle all day ’til it’s playtime
Motherfucker, I’m a take mine, I’m a take mine
Cause ain’t shit free, I’m a make mine
‘Member I’m a take mine, I’m a take mine
I’m a take mine for sure, motherfucker, I’m a take mine
I’m a take mine, I’m a take mine cause ain’t shit free
So I’m a make mine

[Bridge] That’s how you feel, that’s how you feel
That’s how you feel, that’s how you feel
That’s how you feel, that’s how you feel
That’s how you feel, that’s how you feel


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