Punch – My Darling Nicki (Lyrics)

Punch – My Darling Nicki (Lyrics)

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Punch – My Darling Nicki (Lyrics)

Punch – My Darling Nicki (Lyrics)

[Intro] Just you
Just you’re beautiful
Too beautiful

[Verse] I love your confidence, your arrogance
No nonsense way that you deal with them
Other side niggas try to holla
You shut ‘em down quick, don’t know why they bother
You’re so consistent, you’re so deliberate
Set in your ways, you ain’t even trippin’
Don’t need nobody, you’re independent
So laid back but about that business
My ride or die, she’ll pop that clip in
If I say the word she will go the distance
Marelly MJ had a bad one just like her
Off Grape and 103rd, they’ll blow that purp
[?] And she tolerated me just because of him
And you tolerated him just because of me
I mean it is what it is, let it be what it’s gon’ be
Hate in your eyes and hers alike
Chemtrails in the sky read love but increase the violence
Shots fired, hear the ballads of sirens
True roll man, keep it out here firin’
It’s punch drunk love, intoxicated
Hypnotized by your deadly fragrance
If looks could kill, you’re a detonation
Explode on contact, no hesitation
My darlin’ Nicki, I love you dearly
We run the city until they kill me
‘Til I’m tatted, my name get blasted
On the walls of your garden, I’m forever branded

[Outro] Just you
Just you’re beautiful

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