Meghan Trainor - Close Your Eyes (Lyrics)

Meghan Trainor - Close Your Eyes (Lyrics)

Meghan Trainor - Close Your Eyes (Lyrics) - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Meghan Trainor - Close Your Eyes (Lyrics), This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Everybody is on the same page
No new chapters
Will never change

Everybody wants to be cool
Yes they do
I'm just like them
But I won't be no fool

I guess I could waste all me time and my money
Just trying to look right
But it doesn't change who I am in my heart if I look like them

So I want you to close your eyes
Sing to the world tonight
And show them what's beautiful
I don't care what they think
Know I'm not listening
Cause I know I'm beautiful
So close your eyes

Show them what's beautiful
Gonna' show them... 
Show them what's beautiful
Show them what's beautiful

Everybody is bang to be different
That's the one thing that makes us the same
So don't let you them hurt change me make you into something you ain't

So I want you to close your eyes
Sing to the world tonight
And show them what's beautiful
I don't care what they think
Know I'm not listening
Cause I know I'm beautiful
So close your eyes

Show them what's beautiful
Gonna' show them... 
Show them what's beautiful
Show them what's beautiful
So close your eyes
Show them what's beautiful

Show the world the you inside
Raise your voice and close your eyes
Cause you are beautiful

So I want you to close your eyes
Sing to the world tonight
And show them what's beautiful
I don't care what they think
Know I'm not listening
Cause I know I'm beautiful
So close your eyes

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