Prides-Out Of The Blue

Prides-Out Of The Blue

Prides-Out Of The Blue - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Prides-Out Of The Blue, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Let the Fall begin! Today's band on Lyrics On My Wall is coming from Glasgow, the city with a music scene that is about to explode. Too many artists are coming out, but Prides are the lucky ones for today. They are three young men, who are working in the music industry for 10 years but they got formed only in 2013. Their brand new song "Out Of The Blue" is one of FIFA 15's soundtracks. Their style is definetely pop, but not in a cheap way... the melodies are always happy but the lyrics have a dark meaning. The repeating chorus are the element of joy and what gets you hooked! Same song on your mind playing again and again. Check out the Prides on Lyrics On My Wall!

Prides-Out Of The Blue

The air in your lungs is like thunder
I can see the clouds breaking in front of me
And it won't be much keeping us under
But I don't ever wanna go back
To where I used to be.

Now I know what I know
It won't have to be so heavy
Break the surface, take the wheel
No, no, no, no nothing left for me to breathe
No, no, out of the blue you came to me
No, no, no, no, I can't believe she'll come to me
No, no, no, no.

Hear her come, my heart's only drummer
I've been holding out for your symphony
The air in my lungs is like thunder
And I can't fight what you've made of me.

Now I know what I know
It won't have to be so heavy
Break the surface, take the wheel
No, no, no, no nothing left for me to breathe
No, no, out of the blue you came to me
No, no, no, no, I can't believe she'll come to me
No, no, no, no.

Well, here it is, my last defense
No, no, no, no
I must send all of days we've spent
No, no, no, no
Well, here it is, my last defense
No, no, no, no
The promises I never kept.

You break the surface, take the wheel
No, no, no, no nothing left for me to breathe
No, no, out of the blue you came to me
No, no, no, no, I can't believe she'll come to me
No, no, no, no

Well, here it is, my last defense
No, no, no, no
I must send all of days we've spent
No, no, no, no
Well, here it is, my last defense
No, no, no, no
The promises I never kept.

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