The Tragic Thrills-Tears

The Tragic Thrills-Tears

The Tragic Thrills-Tears - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title The Tragic Thrills-Tears, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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You all know how much we love and support indepedent musicians and this band self-funded the whole debut album! This move gave them the freedom to be out there all alone with their emotions, states Porter, the lead singer of "The Tragic Thrills". From being "Allstar Weekend", they became this new band! With Porter writing all the lyrics and trying to examine every word for its honesty! Their first single "Tears" is for those who thought that we can't fight for love anymore! Watch their music video for "Tears" and read the lyrics that knocks you out! :)

The Tragic Thrills-Tears
I lost it all 
I punched the wall again
But it was stronger than my hands
And they were swollen, they were red

And I'm a fool
I'm not a lion, I'm a man
I can't outrun the hurt, they said
But I can love and love again
You too
You too

We got scars reminding us
That we got hearts that bleed
Next time we're dealt dirty cards
We've got tears so we can weep

I took control
When I was pressing sheets
Tryin' to cry myself to sleep
Slapped some good sense into me

I cut the rope
Lifted the chin that held my head
A moment of silence and regret
And felt the pounding in my chest
Oh, yeah

We got scars reminding us
That we got hearts that bleed
Next time we're dealt dirty cards
We've got tears so we can weep

They don't know the pain in love
'Cause they love apathy
Maybe we are better off
Havin' tears so we can weep

Sticks and thorns tearin' up holes
Turnin' us to stone
We're all made naked by the truth
Sticks and thorns won't ever hush my soul
Whatever love I know

We got scars reminding us
That we got hearts that bleed
And next time we're dealt dirty cards
We've got tears so we can weep

They don't know the pain in love
'Cause they love apathy
Maybe we are better off
Havin' tears so we can weep

Maybe we are better off
Havin' tears so we can weep

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