Janice Yan 閻奕格 - 少了一件牛仔褲 (Where Are My Jeans?) 歌詞 Lyrics Consummate As Well As Update

Janice Yan 閻奕格 - 少了一件牛仔褲 (Where Are My Jeans?) 歌詞 Lyrics Consummate As Well As Update

Janice Yan 閻奕格 - 少了一件牛仔褲 (Where Are My Jeans?) 歌詞 Lyrics Consummate As Well As Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Janice Yan 閻奕格 - 少了一件牛仔褲 (Where Are My Jeans?) 歌詞 Lyrics Consummate As Well As Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Janice Yan 閻奕格 - 少了一件牛仔褲 (Where are my jeans?) 歌詞 Lyrics amongst Pinyin

 Janice Yan 閻奕格 - 少了一件牛仔褲 (Where are my jeans?) 歌詞 Lyrics consummate together with update

Singer: Janice Yan 閻奕格
Album: 少了一件牛仔褲 (Where are my jeans?)
Title: 少了一件牛仔褲
English linguistic communication Title:  Where are my jeans?

Zhè yī jiàn céng wěnguò lǜ cǎo
nà yī jiàn céng zhānguò nízhǎo
我穿著它 跌過跤 然後奔跑
wǒ chuānzhuó tā diēguò jiāo ránhòu bēnpǎo
牛仔褲 佈滿記號
niúzǎikù bù mǎn jìhào

zhè yī jiàn shì nǐ de zhēngchǎo
nà yī jiàn shì nǐ de yǒngbào
被刷白的回憶 漸漸變得蒼老
bèi shuàbái de huíyì jiànjiàn biàn dé cānglǎo
wǒ què méi yǒngqì diūdiào

這些年過多久 還想保留
zhèxiē niánguò duōjiǔ hái xiǎng bǎoliú
我好想問自己 夠了沒有
wǒ hǎo xiǎng wèn zìjǐ gòule méiyǒu
我應該勇敢而成熟 早一點看透
wǒ yīnggāi yǒnggǎn ér chéngshú zǎo yīdiǎn kàntòu
敢擁有 要學會 敢放手
gǎn yǒngyǒu yào xuéhuì gǎn fàngshǒu

懷念你要多久 才能罷休
huáiniàn nǐ yào duōjiǔ cáinéng bàxiū
那片藍再執著 都會陳舊
nà piàn lán zài zhízhuó dūhuì chénjiù
shēn àiguò yě kěyǐ tuōshǒu
少一件什麼 都能很寬容
shǎo yī jiàn shénme dōu néng hěn kuānróng
cái suàn zhēn de zìyóu

zhè yī jiàn shì wǒ bù xūyào
nà yī jiàn shì wǒ dé bù dào
選擇我的喜好 轉送多餘煩惱
xuǎnzé wǒ de xǐhào zhuǎnsòng duōyú fánnǎo
wǒ qíxǔ zhèyàng biàngēng hǎo

這些年過多久 還想保留
zhèxiē niánguò duōjiǔ hái xiǎng bǎoliú
我好想問自己 夠了沒有
wǒ hǎo xiǎng wèn zìjǐ gòule méiyǒu
我應該勇敢而成熟 早一點看透
wǒ yīnggāi yǒnggǎn ér chéngshú zǎo yīdiǎn kàntòu
敢擁有 要學會 敢放手
gǎn yǒngyǒu yào xuéhuì gǎn fàngshǒu

懷念你要多久 才能罷休
huáiniàn nǐ yào duōjiǔ cáinéng bàxiū
那片藍再執著 都會陳舊
nà piàn lán zài zhízhuó dūhuì chénjiù
shēn àiguò yě kěyǐ tuōshǒu
少一件什麼 都能很寬容
shǎo yī jiàn shénme dōu néng hěn kuānróng
cái suàn zhēn de zìyóu

穿上新的直筒 重遇舊的路口
chuān shàng xīn de zhítǒng chóng yù jiù de lùkǒu
對你展覽笑容 還能禮貌問候
duì nǐ zhǎnlǎn xiàoróng hái néng lǐmào wènhòu
說再見以後 願我們能夠繼續向前走
shuō zàijiàn yǐhòu yuàn wǒmen nénggòu jìxù xiàng qián zǒu

懷念你要多久 才能罷休
huáiniàn nǐ yào duōjiǔ cáinéng bàxiū
往傷口裡刺繡 只會醜陋
wǎng shāngkǒu lǐ cìxiù zhǐ huì chǒulòu
讓感情停最美時候 少一件什麼
ràng gǎnqíng tíng zuìměi shíhòu shǎo yī jiàn shénme
當作獲得 才算真的 自由
dàng zuò huòdé cái suàn zhēn de zìyóu

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