Jaymie Cheung 張美儀 - Dream On 化夢 Lyric Update

Jaymie Cheung 張美儀 - Dream On 化夢 Lyric Update

Jaymie Cheung 張美儀 - Dream On 化夢 Lyric Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Jaymie Cheung 張美儀 - Dream On 化夢 Lyric Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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 Jaymie Cheung 張美儀 - Dream On 化夢 Lyric Update

白馬在霧裡融化 落花是夢的作家
Báimǎ zài wù lǐ rónghuà luòhuā shì mèng de zuòjiā
沉澱能分出黑白 幻境仍誇張優雅
chéndiàn néng fēn chū hēibái huànjìng réng kuāzhāng yōuyǎ

星空照 櫻花笑 光影難攝
xīngkōng zhào yīnghuā xiào guāngyǐng nán shè
春色暖 冬風轉 便到終點
chūnsè nuǎndōng fēng zhuǎn biàn dào zhōngdiǎn
找不了 不找了 不以為意
zhǎo bùliǎo bù zhǎo liǎo bù yǐwéi yì
huózhe zǒng xū pāoqì yìsi

多少次 多少已 心跳停止
duōshǎo cì duōshǎo yǐ xīntiào tíngzhǐ
靈魂都失去七魄 沉睡的君子
línghún dōu shīqù qī pò chénshuì de jūnzǐ
找不了 不找了 不以為意
zhǎo bùliǎo bù zhǎo liǎo bù yǐwéi yì
huózhe bù xū zhǎo nà yìsi

白馬在霧裡融化 落花是夢的作家
báimǎ zài wù lǐ rónghuà luòhuā shì mèng de zuòjiā
沉澱能分出黑白 幻境仍誇張優雅
chéndiàn néng fēn chū hēibái huànjìng réng kuāzhāng yōuyǎ

星空照 櫻花笑 光影難攝
xīngkōng zhào yīnghuā xiào guāngyǐng nán shè
春色暖 冬風轉 便到終點
chūnsè nuǎndōng fēng zhuǎn biàn dào zhōngdiǎn
找不了 不找了 不以為意
zhǎo bùliǎo bù zhǎo liǎo bù yǐwéi yì
huózhe zǒng xū pāoqì yìsi

多少次 多少已 心跳停止
duōshǎo cì duō shǎo yǐ xīntiào tíngzhǐ
靈魂都失去七魄 沉睡的君子
línghún dōu shīqù qī pò chénshuì de jūnzǐ
找不了 不找了 不以為意
zhǎo bùliǎo bù zhǎo liǎo bù yǐwéi yì
huózhe bù xū zhǎo nà yìsi

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