Luhan 鹿晗 - Country It 夜符號 Lyrics 歌詞 Amongst English Translation

Luhan 鹿晗 - Country It 夜符號 Lyrics 歌詞 Amongst English Translation

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Luhan 鹿晗 - Say It 夜符號 Lyrics 歌詞 amongst English linguistic communication Translation together with Pinyin

Want to escape amongst yous from what is inwards front end of us LuHan 鹿晗 - Say It 夜符號 Lyrics 歌詞 amongst English linguistic communication Translation

Singer : Luhan 鹿晗
Album : Imagination
Title : Ye Fu Hao 夜符號
English linguistic communication Title : Say It

Wǒ kāizhe tóngyàng de chē
I'm driving the same car
sāi zàile tóngyàng de jiē
Stuffed on the same street
每天同樣的擁擠 Why oh why
měitiān tóngyàng de yǒngjǐ Why oh why
On same crowded every day, Why oh why
tóngyàng wúliáo de yītiān
The same tedious day
xiǎng dài nǐ táolí yǎnqián
Want to escape amongst yous from what is inwards front end of us
yèmù xià qiánrù chéngshì lìng yīmiàn
To dive into the other side of the city
dàngtiān jì xiàn liàng qǐ
When the horizon lights up
dīyīn huì zuò zhǐyǐn
The bass volition guide
zài wǒmen de lèyuán
In our paradise
bǎituō dì xīn yǐnlì
To interruption away from the gravity
ràng xīnqíng juédìng
Let the feeling decide
shēntǐ yào zài nǎlǐ tíngliú
Where your trunk should stay
yīdàn kāishǐ jiāsù bié huítóu
Once yous showtime to speed up, don't plow back

Say it state it
Say it state it
wǒmen yǒngyǒu zhè yīnyuè
We ain this song
Let me take away heed yous state it state it
Let me take away heed yous state it state it
xiǎng hé nǐ làngfèi yīqiè
(I) desire to waste matter everything amongst you
dāng hànshuǐ fèiténg qǐlái
When the effort boils up
The hype is making me fly
The hype is making me fly
tiānliàng yě bùbì líkāi
Don't ask to piece of work out when the dawn comes
Take yous on a ride
Take yous on a ride
Just state it
Just state it

wǒmen shì yì wàn fùwēng
We are billionaires
shì guówáng huò shì huánghòu
The manful somebody monarch or the queen
shì liúlàng de yìshùjiā
The wandering artist
shì kuángfēng
The wild wind
wàngdiào báitiān de zhǒngzhǒng
Forget all the daytime
zuò nǐ zuì'ài dì nà zhǒng
Become what create yous unopen to like
Damn nǐ dì měi yǐjīng ràng wǒ shīkòng
Damn your beauty brand me out of control
dàngtiān jì xiàn liàng qǐ
When the horizon lights up
dīyīn huì zuò zhǐyǐn
The bass volition guide
zài wǒmen de lèyuán
In our paradise
bǎituō dì xīn yǐnlì
To interruption away from the gravity
ràng xīnqíng juédìng
Let the feeling decide
shēntǐ yào zài nǎlǐ tíngliú
Where your trunk should stay
yīdàn kāishǐ jiāsù bié huítóu
Once yous showtime to speed up, don't plow back

Say it state it
Say it state it
wǒmen yǒngyǒu zhè yīnyuè
We ain this song
Let me take away heed yous state it state it
Let me take away heed yous state it state it
xiǎng hé nǐ làngfèi yīqiè
(I) desire to waste matter everything amongst you
dāng hànshuǐ fèiténg qǐlái
When the effort boils up
The hype is making me fly
The hype is making me fly
tiānliàng yě bùbì líkāi
Don't ask to piece of work out when the dawn comes
Take yous on a ride
Take yous on a ride
Just state it
Just state it

再繼續come amongst me
zài jìxù come upward amongst me
And together with hence come upward amongst me
After political party 後再換個場地
After political party hòu zài huàngè chǎngdì
After the political party allow modify the place
再一杯 別猶豫
zài yībēi bié yóuyù
Another cup, don't hesitate
wǒ yào de gǎnjué jiùshì bǎ shìjiè fàngshǒu xīn
I desire the feeling allow the globe work disappear
kànzhe tā xuánzhuǎn zhídào shuāng jiǎo lí de
Watch it spin until the feet are off the ground
zài méiyǒu mìmì
There is no secret
wǒmen shì niánqīng de shén dāng tàiyáng shēng qǐ
We volition larn the immature soul when the Sun rises
I wanna take away heed you
I wanna take away heed you

Say it state it
Say it state it
wǒmen yǒngyǒu zhè yīnyuè
We ain this song
Let me take away heed yous state it state it
Let me take away heed yous state it state it
xiǎng hé nǐ làngfèi yīqiè
(I) desire to waste matter everything amongst you
dāng hànshuǐ fèiténg qǐlái
When the effort boils up
The hype is making me fly
The hype is making me fly
tiānliàng yě bùbì líkāi
Don't ask to piece of work out when the dawn comes
Take yous on a ride
Take yous on a ride
Just state it
Just state it

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