S.H.E - 殊途 Dissimilar Ways Lyric Update

S.H.E - 殊途 Dissimilar Ways Lyric Update

S.H.E - 殊途 Dissimilar Ways Lyric Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title S.H.E - 殊途 Dissimilar Ways Lyric Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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S.H.E - 殊途 (Shū tú) Different Ways Lyric update

 S.H.E - 殊途 Different Ways Lyric Update

Yībiān yònglì kànchuān yè de hēi
yībiān zài kàn bù dǒng guāng de míngmèi
yībiān bù zài jìjiào shì hé fēi
yībiān xiǎng fēnqīng cuò duì

dāng wǒ yǐwéi dǎbài duōshǎo hèn
què yǐ wèi ài luòdé shānghén lěilěi
dāng wǒ sī suìle suǒyǒu xūwèi
zhēnxiàng què yòu nán miàn duì

zěnyàng xuǎnzé kāishǐ cáinéng tuǒshàn jiéwěi
zěnyàng gǎixiě mìngyùn shuō lái cái bù hòuhuǐ
我們的殊途 還會不會同歸
wǒmen de shū tú hái huì bù huìtóng guī
wǒmen zhǎodào de zìjǐ jiùjìng shì shuí

有多少喜 有多少悲
yǒu duōshǎo xǐ yǒu duōshǎo bēi
hǎoxiàng kūguò xiàoguò shì yīyàng huíwèi
有多少醒 有多少醉
yǒu duōshǎo xǐng yǒu duōshǎo zuì
mèng shì zhēn de jiǎ de yǒu shé me suǒwèi

zěnyàng xuǎnzé kāishǐ dōu yào hǎohǎo jiéwěi
zěnyàng gǎixiě mìngyùn dōu méi lǐyóu hòuhuǐ
我們的殊途 管會不會同歸
wǒmen de shū tú guǎn kuài bù huìtóng guī
zhìshǎo yǐ fàngxià zìjǐ jiùjìng shì shuí

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