Mai Xiao Dou 麥小兜 - 9420 Lyrics 歌詞 Amongst English Translation

Mai Xiao Dou 麥小兜 - 9420 Lyrics 歌詞 Amongst English Translation

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Mai Xiao Dou 麥小兜 - 9420 Lyrics 歌詞 alongside English linguistic communication Translation together with Pinyin

Walking manus inwards manus together inwards the Happy Street Mai Xiao Dou 麥小兜 - 9420 Lyrics 歌詞 alongside English linguistic communication Translation

Singer: Mai Xiao Dou 麥小兜
Album: My First Song
Title: 9420
English linguistic communication Title: 9420

Lyrics / 歌詞 / Pinyin / English linguistic communication Translation:

Shǒu qiānshǒu yīqǐ zǒu zài xìngfú de dàjiē
Walking manus inwards manus together inwards the Happy Street
wéifēng huǎn huǎn de chuī lái nǐ wǒ xiāng yīwēi
The breeze gently blows you lot together with me
ài de mùguāng rúcǐ de rèliè
The eyes of honey are together with hence warm

zhè fèn ài jiù xiàng shì zài ránshāo de huǒ duī
This honey is similar a burning fire
chìrè de huǒyàn rútóng shèngkāi de méiguī
A blazing flame similar a rose inwards bloom
bùguǎn báitiān hēiyè jìxù de chénzuì
No thing the solar daytime together with black choke on to indulge

整個世界瀰漫 薄荷般的氣味
zhěnggè shìjiè mímàn bòhé bān de qìwèi
The whole globe smells similar mint.
耳邊 你的呢喃不停吹
ěr biān nǐ de nínán bù tíng chuī
In my ears, your whispers hold blowing
所有 孤單寂寞都被悄悄震碎
suǒyǒu gūdān jìmò dōu bèi qiāoqiāo zhèn suì
All loneliness are shattered past times a whisper

你的眼神就像 流淌著的河水
nǐ de yǎnshén jiù xiàng liútǎngzhe de héshuǐ
Your eyes are similar the flowing river
流進 我的身體潤心扉
liú jìn wǒ de shēntǐ rùn xīnfēi
Flow into my torso to run my heart
洗滌 所有悲傷煩惱帶來安慰
xǐdí suǒyǒu bēishāng fánnǎo dài lái ānwèi
To launder all the sorrows together with troubles to convey comfort

關於我們 我只想說
guānyú wǒmen wǒ zhǐ xiǎng shuō
About us I but desire to say
簡單一句 就是愛你
jiǎndān yījù jiùshì ài nǐ
The uncomplicated word, I but honey you

比翼雙飛 金蟬做媒
bǐyì shuāngfēi jīn chán zuòméi
bǐyì shuāngfēi jīn chán zuòméi*
tiānzàodìshè de yī duì
A perfect match

Shǒu qiānshǒu yīqǐ zǒu zài xìngfú de dàjiē
Walking manus inwards manus together inwards the Happy Street
wéifēng huǎn huǎn de chuī lái nǐ wǒ xiāng yīwēi
The breeze gently blows you lot together with me
ài de mùguāng rúcǐ de rèliè
The eyes of honey are together with hence warm

zhè fèn ài jiù xiàng shì zài ránshāo de huǒ duī
This honey is similar a burning fire
chìrè de huǒyàn rútóng shèngkāi de méiguī
A blazing flame similar a rose inwards bloom
bùguǎn báitiān hēiyè jìxù de chénzuì
No thing the solar daytime together with black choke on to indulge

整個世界瀰漫 薄荷般的氣味
zhěnggè shìjiè mímàn bòhé bān de qìwèi
The whole globe smells similar mint.
耳邊 你的呢喃不停吹
ěr biān nǐ de nínán bù tíng chuī
In my ears, your whispers hold blowing
所有 孤單寂寞都被悄悄震碎
suǒyǒu gūdān jìmò dōu bèi qiāoqiāo zhèn suì
All loneliness are shattered past times a whisper

你的眼神就像 流淌著的河水
nǐ de yǎnshén jiù xiàng liútǎngzhe de héshuǐ
Your eyes are similar the flowing river
流進 我的身體潤心扉
liú jìn wǒ de shēntǐ rùn xīnfēi
Flow into my torso to run my heart
洗滌 所有悲傷煩惱帶來安慰
xǐdí suǒyǒu bēishāng fánnǎo dài lái ānwèi
To launder all the sorrows together with troubles to convey comfort

關於我們 我只想說
guānyú wǒmen wǒ zhǐ xiǎng shuō
About us I but desire to say
簡單一句 就是愛你
jiǎndān yījù jiùshì ài nǐ
The uncomplicated word, I but honey you

比翼雙飛 金蟬做媒
bǐyì shuāngfēi jīn chán zuòméi
bǐyì shuāngfēi jīn chán zuòméi*
tiānzàodìshè de yī duì
A perfect match

關於我們 我只想說
guānyú wǒmen wǒ zhǐ xiǎng shuō
About us I but desire to say
簡單一句 就是愛你
jiǎndān yījù jiùshì ài nǐ
The uncomplicated word, I but honey you

比翼雙飛 金蟬做媒
bǐyì shuāngfēi jīn chán zuòméi
bǐyì shuāngfēi jīn chán zuòméi*
tiānzàodìshè de yī duì
A perfect match

*I can't interpret it well, sorry.

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