Crowd Lu 盧廣仲 - Dare To Live On You Lot 敢傻 就是我的本事 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Crowd Lu 盧廣仲 - Dare To Live On You Lot 敢傻 就是我的本事 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Crowd Lu 盧廣仲 - Dare To Live On You Lot 敢傻 就是我的本事 Lyrics 歌詞 Update - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Crowd Lu 盧廣仲 - Dare To Live On You Lot 敢傻 就是我的本事 Lyrics 歌詞 Update, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Crowd Lu 盧廣仲 - Dare to Be You 敢傻 就是我的本事 (Gan Sha Jiu Shi Wo De Ben Shi) Lyrics 歌詞 update

Singer: Crowd Lu 盧廣仲
Album: Dare to Be You 敢傻 就是我的本事
Title: 敢傻 就是我的本事 (Gan Sha Jiu Shi Wo De Ben Shi)
English linguistic communication Title: Dare to Be You

Yòu yù jiàn liǎo bùzhī suǒ cuò de shíhòu
shēngmìng zhòng lì bù kāi de shízìlù kǒu
是誰說過 頭過身就過
shì shuí shuō guòtóuguò shēn jiùguò
我卻怎麼感覺像是 得過且過
wǒ què zěnme gǎnjué xiàng shì déguòqiěguò
xiǎng yào fènbùgùshēn dān tiāo quán yǔzhòu
huò shì jiù shǎ shǎ gēnzhe gǎnjué zǒu
不想這麼快 向現實低頭
bùxiǎng zhème kuài xiàng xiànshí dītóu
最好的我 在哪片天空
zuì hǎo de wǒ zài nǎ piàn tiānkōng
I dare
Why dare?
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 stupid dare !
敢傻一次 就是我的本事
Gǎn shǎ yīcì jiùshì wǒ de běnshì

xiǎng yào fènbùgùshēn dān tiāo quán yǔzhòu
huò shì jiù shǎ shǎ gēnzhe gǎnjué zǒu
不想這麼快 向現實低頭
bùxiǎng zhème kuài xiàng xiànshí dītóu
傻士精神 就是不怕痛
shǎ shì jīngshén jiùshì bùpà tòng

I dare
Why dare?
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 stupid dare !
就傻一次 自由得很灑脫
Jiù shǎ yīcì zìyóu dé hěn sǎtuō
I dare
Why dare?
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 stupid dare !
敢傻一次 就是我的本事
Gǎn shǎ yīcì jiùshì wǒ de běnshì

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 stupid dare !
I dare
I dare
Why dare?
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 stupid dare !
就傻一次 自由得很灑脫
Jiù shǎ yīcì zìyóu dé hěn sǎtuō
I dare
Why dare?
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 stupid dare !
敢傻一次 就是我的本事
Gǎn shǎ yīcì jiùshì wǒ de běnshì

xiǎng yào shǎ shǎ gēnzhe gǎnjué zǒu
不想這麼快 向現實低頭
bùxiǎng zhème kuài xiàng xiànshí dītóu
傻士精神 就是不怕痛
shǎ shì jīngshén jiùshì bùpà tòng

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