Wang Jun Kai 王俊凯 (Tfboys) - Xiao Mian Ao 小棉袄 Lyrics Amongst English Translation

Wang Jun Kai 王俊凯 (Tfboys) - Xiao Mian Ao 小棉袄 Lyrics Amongst English Translation

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Wang Jun Kai ( Karry Wang ) 王俊凯 (TFBOYS) - Xiao Mian Ao 小棉袄 ( Small Cotton Jacket ) Lyrics alongside English linguistic communication Translation in addition to Pinyin

 Lyrics alongside English linguistic communication Translation in addition to Pinyin Wang Jun Kai 王俊凯 (TFBOYS) - Xiao Mian Ao 小棉袄 Lyrics alongside English linguistic communication Translation

Singer : Wang Jun Kai ( Karry Wang ) 王俊凯 (TFBOYS)
Album :
Title : Xiao Mian Ao 小棉袄
English linguistic communication Title : Small Cotton Jacket

清晨 看窗外
Qīngchén kàn chuāngwài
Look out the window inwards the early on morning
cái zhēnzhèng de gǎnjué dào dōngtiān dàolái
Feel of the wintertime in conclusion come
花 還依然天真的綻放
huā hái yīrán tiānzhēn de zhànfàng
Flowers are all the same blooming naively
yǒu yīxiē yōushāng huái niànzhe tóngnián de cànlàn
There are some distressing memories of the vivid childhood

雪 還在下
xuě hái zàixià
Snow all the same falling down
fǎngfú kàn dào māmā zuò zài nuǎn lú páng
Seems to run into woman bring upwardly sitting side past times side to fireplace
我 依偎在她溫熱肩膀
wǒ yīwēi zài tā wēn rè jiānbǎng
I nestled on her warm shoulders
děngdàizhuó wǒ de xīnnián yīshang
Waiting for my novel yr clothes

xīnlǐ tōutōu de xiào
Laughing secretly inwards my heart
小時候那件小棉襖 碎花布面料
xiǎoshíhou nà jiàn xiǎo mián'ǎo suì huā bù miànliào
The cotton-padded jacket from childhood the patterned cloth
nà zhǒng wēnnuǎn dào xiànzài yě wàng bù diào
That warmth all the same can't move forgotten until now
nuǎn nuǎn de yángguāng
Warm sunshine

nà yītiáo měitiān bàngwǎn dūhuì zǒuguò de xiǎo xiàng
The alley I walk past times every evening
yǒu xǔduō wǒ céngjīng liú xià dì měihǎo
Left a lot of my beautiful memories 
這一切的畫面 圍繞在我的身旁
zhè yīqiè de huàmiàn wéirào zài wǒ de shēn páng
All the scene to a greater extent than or less my head

小時候那件小棉襖 是我的驕傲
xiǎoshíhou nà jiàn xiǎo mián'ǎo shì wǒ de jiāo'ào
The cotton-padded jacket from childhood is my proud
jiù hǎoxiàng shì māmā gěi wǒ de huáibào
Just similar the hug has given past times my mother
還記得 那甜甜的微笑
hái jìde nà tián tián de wéixiào
I all the same think that sweetly smile

suīrán wǒ yǐjīng líkāile jiā
Although I am away from home
dàn bǎ huíyì liú zài nà
I left the memories there
等到四季交換 我就會回來
děngdào sìjì jiāohuàn wǒ jiù huì huílái
I'll move dorsum subsequently cease of all 4 seasons

雪 還在下
xuě hái zàixià
Snow all the same falling
fǎngfú kàn dào māmā zuò zài nuǎn lú páng
Seems to run into woman bring upwardly sitting side past times side to the fireplace
我 依偎在她溫熱肩膀
wǒ yīwēi zài tā wēn rè jiānbǎng
I nestled on her warm shoulders
děngdàizhuó wǒ de xīnnián yīshang
Waiting for my novel yr clothes

xīnlǐ tōutōu de xiào
Laughing secretly inwards my heart

小時候那件小棉襖 碎花布面料
xiǎoshíhou nà jiàn xiǎo mián'ǎo suì huā bù miànliào
The cotton-padded jacket from childhood the patterned cloth
nà zhǒng wēnnuǎn dào xiànzài yě wàng bù diào
That warmth all the same can't move forgotten until now
nuǎn nuǎn de yángguāng
Warm sunshine

nà yītiáo měitiān bàngwǎn dūhuì zǒuguò de xiǎo xiàng
The alley I walk past times every evening
yǒu xǔduō wǒ céngjīng liú xià dì měihǎo
Left a lot of my beautiful memories 
這一切的畫面 圍繞在我的身旁
zhè yīqiè de huàmiàn wéirào zài wǒ de shēn páng
All the scene to a greater extent than or less my head

小時候那件小棉襖 是我的驕傲
xiǎoshíhou nà jiàn xiǎo mián'ǎo shì wǒ de jiāo'ào
The cotton-padded jacket from childhood is my proud
jiù hǎoxiàng shì māmā gěi wǒ de huáibào
Just similar the hug has given past times my mother
還記得 那甜甜的微笑
hái jìde nà tián tián de wéixiào
I all the same think that sweetly smile

suīrán wǒ yǐjīng líkāile jiā
Although I am away from home
dàn bǎ huíyì liú zài nà
I left the memories there
等到四季交換 我就會回來
děngdào sìjì jiāohuàn wǒ jiù huì huílái
I'll move dorsum subsequently cease of all 4 seasons

小時候那件小棉襖 是我的驕傲
xiǎoshíhou nà jiàn xiǎo mián'ǎo shì wǒ de jiāo'ào
The cotton-padded jacket from childhood is my proud
jiù hǎoxiàng shì māmā gěi wǒ de huáibào
Just similar the hug has given past times my mother
還記得 那甜甜的微笑
hái jìde nà tián tián de wéixiào
I all the same think that sweetly smile
suīrán wǒ yǐjīng líkāile jiā
Although I am away from home
dàn bǎ huíyì liú zài nà
I left my memories there
等到四季交換 我就會回來
Děngdào sìjì jiāohuàn wǒ jiù huì huílái
I'll move dorsum subsequently cease of all 4 seasons

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