G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 - Away 來自天堂的魔鬼 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 - Away 來自天堂的魔鬼 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

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G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 - Away 來自天堂的魔鬼 (Lai Zi Tian Tang De Mo Gui) Lyrics 歌詞 update | 鄧紫棋來自天堂的魔鬼歌詞

 G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 - Away 來自天堂的魔鬼 Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Singer: G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
Album: Heartbeat
Title: 來自天堂的魔鬼 (Lai Zi Tian Tang De Mo Gui)
English linguistic communication Title: Away

Lyrics / 歌詞 / Pinyin:

Yèlǐ zuòle měilì de è mèng
xiǎng qīngxǐng wǒ què dǐ bùguò xīndòng
oh 夢裡你是無底的黑洞
oh mèng lǐ nǐ shì wú dǐ de hēidòng
wǒ wúlì kàngjù shīzhòng

wǒ de yìshí zìkòng màibó liúdòng
quán bèi nǐ shénmì yǐnlì cāokòng
qīn'ài de nǐ shì wéixiǎn de mígōng
wǒ zhǎo bù dào chūkǒu

You took my catch away, away, away
My caput is blown away, away, away
nǐ jiùshì chuánshuō láizì tiāntáng de móguǐ
You took my catch away, away, away, away, away, away, away

bàituō bié duì wǒ xìxīn wènhòu
zhè shì nǐ yě bù chájué de yīnmóu
wǒ tǎoyàn nǐ wúxīn de wéixiào
wǒ kuài wú kě jiù yào

nǐ xiàng yīgè xuánwō màn homo ràng wǒ
wúfǎ chōu lí yīzhí de zhuìluò
qīn'ài de nǐ shì yōuyǎ de èmó
yī diǎn yī diǎn bǎ wǒ tūnmò

You took my catch away, away, away
My caput is blown away, away, away
nǐ jiùshì chuánshuō láizì tiāntáng de móguǐ
You took my catch away, away, away, away, away, away, away

如果你是蛇的誘惑 你存心迷惑 我才能軟弱
rúguǒ nǐ shì shé de yòuhuò nǐ cúnxīn míhuò wǒ cáinéng ruǎnruò
但你是牛頓頭上那顆 若無其事的蘋果
dàn nǐ shì niúdùn tóushàng nà kē ruòwúqíshì de píngguǒ

You took my catch away, away, away
You took my catch away, away, away
You took my catch away, away, away
My caput is blown away, away, away
nǐ jiùshì chuánshuō láizì tiāntáng de móguǐ
You took my catch away, away, away, away, away, away, away

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